Meaning of Hourglass (What it is, Concept and Definition)

hourglass is a apparatus used to measure the fraction of a time.

A classic hourglass is made up of two conical compartments made of glass that communicate with each other through of a vertex in a vertical plane, and in which there is a quantity of fine sand that flows from one compartment to another.


Etymologically, the word hourglass would have originated from the Spanish ampoule, which means “sand clock”. However, the etymological root would be in Latin ampule, which means “dome” or “flask”.

The time recorded in an hourglass is considered from the total amount of sand that flows from one compartment to another in the device. Theoretically, the time for the sand to pass from one side to the other would always be the same.

The traditional hourglass would have been invented in the 8th century, by a French monk named Luipraud.

In the past, when there were no accurate clocks like today, the hourglass was very useful for marking small time intervals.

In sports competitions or reasoning games, for example, the hourglass was used to count the time of each participant.

In maritime navigations the hourglass was one of the methods available for the tribulation to know the time inside the ship.

In English, the term “hourglass” is translated to hourglass.

Hourglass Tattoos

Hourglasses are currently used as decorative objects or tattooed on bodies, due to the meaning attributed to them over the years: the transience of life.

hourglass body

An “hourglass body” is a euphemism for referring to a particular person who has a thin waist, meaning that they are thin or slender.

See also the meaning of silhouette.

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