whateveris an English term that can have the meaning of "anything", "whatever", "whatever", "whatever", "whatever it is", etc. It is used to refer to anything non-specific.
An example of the application of whatever can be seen in Mahatma Gandhi's phrase: "Whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it" which can be translated as: "Whatever you do in life will be meaningless, but it's very important that you do it."
This word is often used in familiar expressions such as "whatever you like", which means "whatever you want". For example: Now that we are here, you can choose whatever you like. - Now that we're here, you can choose what you want.
The expression "whatever it takes" means "whatever it takes". Ex: When life knocks you down, you have to do whatever it takes to get back up. - When life knocks you down, you have to do whatever it takes to get up again.
whatever is also used in slang for an answer similar to "whatever". For example:
- Do you want to go by car or on foot?
- Whatever.
whatever it can be a word used in protest or when someone is not interested in what they are saying. Indicates a certain degree of indifference, and may mean "I do not want to know" or "I do not care!". On many occasions, the word is complemented with a gesture with both hands, forming the letter W.