Meaning of Stand By (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Stand by or stand-by means waiting or describes the act of waiting.

It is an expression of the English language formed from the word stand, which means stop, pause and rest, plus the word by, which means Close of, beside, through. So the expression "stand by" means be present, be by the side, be on standby, be on hold.

Stand by is also a feature of electronic devices that allows a device to be turned off temporarily, however, continue to receive power, therefore ready to go back to work with a simple press of the button. Remote Control.

The stand by function is present in several electronic devices, including: televisions, computers, microwave ovens, DVDs, video games, cell phones, etc.

The stand by process despite turning off the electronic device for a certain period, the energy is still present and is usually observed by a small light on the device's display, which remains on, consuming power or small battery. the amount.

Stand by is also used in business to designate that a project or function is on hold, awaiting approval or simply some other priority arose, which made the progress of the process impossible, or In the project.

stand by me

In English the expression stand by me means "stay with me" or "stay by my side". It is a popular expression in music.

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