Okay (OK or OK.) is an English term that means “yea”, “okay”. It is used in situations where you want to confirm, approve or agree on something.
Okay is also the name of a meme created in 2010 and portrays a resigned character who doesn't get angry even in a situation where most would be furious. Okay simply answers “okay” (okay) in a resigned attitude. It's also called “Okay Guy” which means “Nice Guy”.
Okay Guy is part of the comic images created on the internet to represent people's behavior under certain circumstances. Other well-known memes are “Forever Alone”, “Troll Face”, “FUUUUU”, among others.
Learn about the meanings of meme and forever alone.
Okay Guy is represented by a figure with a very sad expression and appeared on the website “4chan”. These comic figures are spread on the internet and in many cases it is not known who the author of the image is.
They often appear in communities like 4chan or Reddit.
“4chan” is a community that offers users different themes to comment and share images. Anyone can participate without the need to register in the community.
Reddit is also a social community in which users post links to various content on the internet. .