Meaning of Utility (What it is, Concept and Definition)

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utility is what is useful or has utility. Popularly designates a car model, called a utility vehicles, or even the utility software for computer.

The word utility can be a noun or an adjective, depending on whether it serves as a name (as in "I wanted to buy a utility") or as a complement (as in "utility car").

utility cars

Utility cars are what SUVs are called, Sport Utility Vehicle. These are automobiles originated in World War II vehicles, with the strength to walk on heavy terrain and carry cargo at the same time, such as jeeps. After the 1990s, this model became very popular as a sports car, combining good performance with loads and comfort for family use.

See more about the meaning of SUV.

Utilities Software

Software Utilities are computer programs that work as complements to the operating system, in order to increase the performance and usefulness of the machine. It is not mandatory for the computer to function like one of the basic software, but it is useful for getting the best performance. For example, anti-virus programs are utilities.

Learn more about the meaning of software.

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