Suit Meaning (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Card deck suitSuit is the term used for name the graphic figures that make up the decks of cards.

There are four types of suits that make up a deck of cards: diamonds, hearts, clubs and spades, each of which is represented by a distinct symbol.

The use of suits from the deck is fundamental to most card games. Each set of suits is made up of cards with numbers ranging from 2 to 10, the Ace, Jack, Queen and King.

Deck suit representations vary by country or culture. In Portuguese-speaking countries, the suits from the French deck are the most used.

In its figurative sense, suit means the condition or quality of a person or thing, that is, its category or class. This meaning is widely used in Brazil as a slang.

Example:"The players are not of the same suit" or "Look at my boyfriend's suit".

Etymologically, the word “suit” derives from the Catalan term naip, which literally means “letter”. This, in turn, originated from the Arabic noib, which means “representative”, “type”, “family” or “style”.

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