Meaning of Reception (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Reception is a feminine noun that corresponds to action of receiving or welcoming.

This is also what the physical space of a company is called, designed to make the first service as soon as someone enters, such as a hotel reception.

Faced with a good public acceptance of a certain theme, we can say that it was well received. In other words, it was well received.

Reception is also synonymous with event. As in a wedding reception, which is nothing more than receiving guests for a party, or a celebration that involves drinks and food.

In English, reception is reception,acceptance or soiree (when used in the party sense).

Reception or Reception

In Portuguese, the term has two written forms: reception and reception, without the P. Both are right, but reception is used in Brazil and reception is how it is used in Portugal due to the way you speak.

According to the New Orthographic Agreement, the P before C should only be kept in the words where the P is pronounced. As in the case of reception in Portuguese spoken in Brazil. In Portugal, the pronunciation is reception, and the written version remains without the P.

reception attire

Reception is the way to designate the type of attire suitable for certain social environments, the so-called dress code. When receiving an invitation to a party, for example, the last line may contain the following text:

Dress: Reception

In the case of the women's reception attire, this means knee-length dresses, pants, skirts and pantaloons, in light fabrics. Nothing that's overly short, and not a lot of glitter, embroidery, or expensive jewelry.

The men's reception attire is a tailored suit jacket and pants, not necessarily a tie, but everything in sober sounds, including accessories.

Reception attire requires more formality than casual attire, but less aplomb than full ride and black tie. The name can find variations such as fine sport, walking or tenue de ville.

Reception Synonyms

  • Event
  • Party
  • Cocktail
  • celebration
  • Meeting
  • Input
  • Service
  • host
  • Receptivity
  • Receivement
  • Admission
  • accepted

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