Inductive method is a mental process that, in order to arrive at knowledge or demonstration of the truth, starts from particular, proven facts and draws a general conclusion. It is a method based on...
Canonical is an adjective that characterizes what is in accordance with the canons, with established or agreed norms. Canonical has special meaning when referring to the Catholic Church...
Metrosexual is a combination of the words “metropolitan” (city, metropolis) and “sexual”, whose meaning refers to an urban man who is concerned with taking care of his appearance. The metrosexual likes...
Layman means an individual with little or no knowledge of a particular subject, for example, "a computer layman". The meaning comes from the religious milieu when referring to the member who does not...
Aurea is the feminine noun or adjective for aureus that describes a thing made of gold, gilded, that shines or shines. In a figurative sense, aura represents something magnificent, valuable, brilliant...
Godmother is the name given to the figure of a female individual who is committed to taking care of and protecting something or someone, based on the ritual of sponsorship. The relationship between godmother and godson (name...
Antagonistic is a masculine adjective that means contrary, adverse, incompatible, contradictory, divergent, rival. Examples of antagonisms: war and peace, love and hate. Antagonistic is an expression that...
Morning is the period related to the morning, which covers from dawn until noon. This is an adjective used to characterize a phenomenon or event that occurs in the morning, such as a wedding,...
Curriculum Lattes is a curriculum prepared in accordance with the standards of the Lattes Platform, managed by CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development). The Lattes Platform is the result of...
Humble is an adjective given to a person when he does not have an appearance of vanity, and may know his own limitations. A humble person is a modest, simple person who expresses or...
LIBRAS is the acronym for Brazilian Sign Language, a set of gestures used by hearing impaired people to communicate between them and other people, whether deaf or hearing people. She has her...
Schedule is an activity management tool usually in the form of a table, which also includes the time in which the activities will take place. As for the etymology, the term schedule has its origin in...
Ascension means ascent or elevation. Designates the act of ascending. A promotion in employment indicates an employee's ascension to a higher or higher position than he previously held. Rise...
Women's empowerment is the act of granting the power of social participation to women, ensuring that can be aware of the fight for their rights, such as full gender equality, for...
Third sector is formed by associations and non-profit entities, and is classified as third sector in sociology. The term is of American origin, Third Sector, widely used in the States...