Sexual orientation is the way an individual relates affectively and sexually with other people. Gender identity, on the other hand, is the way a person identifies their own gender and how they...
Cartographic projections are representations of the Earth's surface in a plane, using meridians and parallels. There are different types of projections and each one of them highlights different...
Carnival or Shrovetide are the three days of festivities that precede Ash Wednesday. It is a word that has its origins in the Latin "carna vale" and which means to say "farewell to meat". Carnival arrived in Brazil...
Pink book is an expression used by some modeling agencies to designate a catalog of professionals who provide sexual services in exchange for bonuses. The pink book can be considered a...
An electric field is a field generated by an electric charge. The electric field is a vector quantity that can be used to measure the force exerted on each test charge placed within that field...
Hashtag is a very common expression among users of social networks on the internet. It consists of a keyword preceded by the symbol #, popularly known in Brazil as "jogo da Velha" or...
Ethnocentrism is a concept in Anthropology defined as the vision demonstrated by someone who considers their ethnic group or culture to be the center of everything, therefore, on a more important plane than the others...
Holy War is an extremist resource that the great monotheistic religions have used throughout history to protect what they see as a threat to their dogmas and their holy places. At the origin of...
The carbon cycle is the biogeochemical cycle traveled by carbon molecules present on planet Earth. Throughout its cycle, carbon passes through the oceans, soil, atmosphere and organisms...
Middle Ages is a period of history that begins in the middle of the fifth century (476 AD. C), with the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and extends to the mid-fifteenth century (1453 d. C), when Constantinople is...
The Crusades were a series of wars carried out by the Catholic Church between the years 1096 and 1272 and whose declared objective was the reconquest of the Holy Land - Jerusalem. Over 200 years, they were...
Cachê is the name given to the monetary amount paid to the artist (musician, actor and other entertainment professionals) after their presentation to the public. Etymologically, this term originated from...
Capex and opex are terms used by companies when planning their investments. Capex refers to expenses on capital goods and opex refers to operating expenses. Capex is the abbreviation...
Plate tectonics are rock formations that cover the surface of planet Earth. The earth's crust is made up of 14 major plates and 38 minor plates. These boards are on constant and slow...
It is a word of English origin, which comes from the term "to comply with", that is, "to act in accordance with". Compliance, therefore, means acting in accordance with some standard, law, guideline or internal policy and...