Popular Meanings (76)

meaning of architecture

Architecture is the art and technique of designing a building or building environment. It is the artistic and technical process that involves the creation of organized and creative spaces to house...

meaning of how much

How is an adverb in the Portuguese language, which originates from the Latin word quam and which can mean how much, what, how, to what extent, to what degree. In the grammatical scope, what is a word that also...

Definition of Spin Off

Spin-off, also called derivation, is a term used to designate that which was derived from something previously developed or researched. It is used in several areas, such as business, in...

Definition of Blase

Blasé (or blasée, in its feminine form) is an adjective in the French language, which classifies the attitude of a skeptical, apathetic or indifferent person. This word is the verb form in the past participle of...

Definition of Information Technology

Information technology (also known by the acronym IT), is an area that uses computing as a means to produce, transmit, store, access and use various information. How technology...

Definition of Daytime

Daytime is an adjective that defines the events or activities carried out within a 24-hour period; diurnal. The term diurnal is also used to designate what happens during the day, that is,...

Definition of Rational

Rational is an adjective derived from the Latin term "rationalis" and is used to describe someone who is gifted and uses reason, who reasons, who is reasonable, conforms to reason. Rational is the being that...

Definition of income tax

Income tax means the annual amount deducted from the worker's or company's income and delivered to the federal government, with the discount percentage set by the government of each country where is...

Definition of Cash Flow

Cash flow is a tool that controls the financial movement (inflows and outflows of financial resources), in a given period, of a company. Cash flow makes it easy to manage a...

Meaning of All-importance

Sum Importance is an expression of the Portuguese language that can also be interpreted as “essential importance” or “main importance”. The word “suma” corresponds to the idea of ​​something...

Definition of Strand

Shed is something that pours, that spills. The meaning is usually applied to watershed. A watershed is any surface with a certain inclination that allows water to flow...

meaning of contemporary art

Contemporary art is an artistic trend that was built from postmodernism, presenting innovative artistic expressions and techniques, which encourage subjective reflection on the work...

Definition of Onerous

Onerous is everything that involves expenses, expenses, burdens. It is synonymous with expensive. For example, a costly course, a costly trip, etc. The meaning of onerous is also used to designate...

meaning of tsc

" Tsk, tsk, tsc " is an onomatopoeia, that is, the written reproduction of a noise that people usually make with their mouths in an act of disapproval. This expression is often accompanied by...

Definition of Manichaeism

Manichaeism is the idea based on a religious doctrine that claims that there is a dualism between two opposing principles, usually good and evil. Manichaeism is considered a religious philosophy, founded on...

Latest Meanings (178)

meaning of journalismJournalism is the informative activity, carried out periodically and dissemi...

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Latest Meanings (176)

Definition of SeismologySeismology is a branch of geophysics responsible for studying earthquakes...

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Popular Meanings (181)

Meaning of TransverseTransversal is what crosses, that crosses a certain point. According to geom...

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