Ltd. is the abbreviation for limited, a legal term that refers to the type of company organized by quotas, where each partner has limited liability. The limited liability company...
Holding is a company whose main activity is the majority shareholding in one or more companies. It is a company that owns most of the shares of other companies and that...
Honesty is the word that indicates the quality of being truthful: don't lie, don't cheat, don't cheat. As for etymology, the word honesty comes from the Latin honos, which refers to dignity and...
Transgender (trans) is the individual who does not identify with the gender assigned to him/her at birth. A transgender person is one who doubts the gender (male or female) that was given to him...
Scholar is something or someone who has a vast culture on a particular subject. Scholar is an adjective that can be related to music, reading, or culture in general. Scholar is related to...
Cordel are leaflets containing popular poems, displayed for sale hanging on ropes or twine, which gave rise to the name. Cordel poems are written in rhyme form and some are illustrated. You...
Adonai is a term of Hebrew origin that means "my Lord". This was the name of God used in the Old Testament instead of the divine name of Yahweh (Yahweh), since this, out of respect, was not due...
Imperialism is a policy of territorial, cultural and economic expansion and domination by a dominant nation over others. The first examples of imperialism as a policy of territorial expansion are...
Gourmet is the name that gives a more elaborate and refined style of cuisine that caters to demands of consumers with more refined taste in relation to the quality and presentation of the dish or drink...
Metonymy is the substitution of one word for another, when there is a relationship of proximity of meanings between them that allows this exchange. Ex.: The stadium applauded the player. Metonymy is a figure...
Evening means afternoon. It is an adjective commonly used to designate an event that takes place in the afternoon. For example a course, a newspaper or an afternoon meeting. The school shifts...
Marxism is an ideological system that radically criticizes capitalism and proclaims the emancipation of humanity in a classless and egalitarian society. The basic lines of Marxism were drawn between...
Food chain is the sequence of food between living beings, in which one feeds on the other, ensuring their survival. From the beings that produce their own food and generate...
Attendance is a feminine noun that reveals the quality of what is assiduous, or has a persistent duration. It means frequency, constancy or regular visit. Originating from the Latin term assiduus...
Quality is a subjective concept, it is the way of being, it is the property of qualifying the most diverse services, objects, individuals, etc. From Latin qualitate. Quality is related to perceptions of...