Latest Meanings (100)

Definition of Polygamy

Polygamy is a system where a man has more than one wife at the same time, or even, being less common, where a woman has more than one husband simultaneously. Polygamy is a term of Greek origin, which...

meaning of honor

Honor is a principle of human behavior that acts based on kind values, such as honesty, dignity, courage and other characteristics that are considered socially virtuous. O...

meaning of loyalty

Loyalty is a feminine noun meaning the quality of someone who is loyal. It is also synonymous with loyalty, dedication and sincerity. This word comes from the term legalis, which in Latin refers to...

meaning of gratitude

Gratitude is a feeling of recognition, an emotion to know that a person has done a good deed, a help, on behalf of another. Gratitude is a kind of debt, it is wanting to thank someone else...

Definition of Anguish

Anguish is the psychological feeling that is characterized by suffocation, tightness in the chest, anxiety, insecurity, lack of humor, and resentment combined with some pain. In the psychiatric field the...

Meaning of Complicity

Complicity is the action or state of having secondary participation or co-authorship in something. It can have the meaning of collusion or friendship, being used equally in both senses. When is it...

Definition of Manufacturing

Manufacture means work done by hand. To manufacture is to produce with manual work. In the manufacturing process, there is a division of labor, where each worker performs an operation using instruments...

Definition of Hip Hop

Hip Hop is a popular culture that emerged among African-American communities in suburban New York in the 1970s. Music is the main artistic expression of hip hop, which also has...

meaning of happiness

Happiness is the state of being happy, a feeling of well-being and contentment, which can occur for several reasons. Happiness is a lasting moment of satisfaction, where the individual feels...

meaning of apathy

Apathy is a psychological condition called an emotional state of indifference. It is the lack of emotion or motivation of an individual in relation to something or some situation, having as some of their...

Meaning of Mediocre

Mediocre means average, poor. It is an adjective of two genders that qualifies that or that which is in the mean between two terms of comparison, that is, that it is neither good nor bad, that it is not...

meaning of selfishness

Selfishness is a masculine noun that names excessive self-love, which leads an individual to look only at their opinions, interests and needs, and which despises the needs of others. Selfishness...

Definition of Optimistic

Optimistic is a dual-gender adjective and noun, meaning that person who is confident, hopeful, and positive. It is the individual who is in favor of optimism, and optimism is the disposition...

Definition of market value

Market value is the estimated value of a given good, defined by the Government. It is very applied in relation to real estate, and is used as a calculation basis for some taxes and other fees paid...

Definition of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a concept related to the so-called "social intelligence", present in psychology and created by the American psychologist Daniel Goleman. An emotionally intelligent individual is...

Popular Meanings (150)

Meaning of MailingMailing is a word in the English vocabulary that means the action of sending a ...

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Popular Meanings (152)

meaning of follyFoolishness is the quality or particularity of someone who behaves stupidly, fool...

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Popular Meanings (151)

Definition of OppositionOpposition means impediment, obstacle. It is the act of opposing or oppos...

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