Speed is related to the time it takes to travel a certain space or do something. It is also the quality of what is fast and designates the speed of a movement or the speed of a...
Kbps (kb/s or kbit/s) means kilobit per second (or kilobit). The word bit is a contraction of the English term "binary digit" which means "binary digit". To measure data volume on...
Honoris causa is a Latin expression and is currently used as an honorific title, which literally means “for the sake of honor”. Typically, honoris causa is used when a university of...
Miscegenation is the process generated from the mixture between different ethnic groups. Mixed human beings have physical characteristics typical of various "races". The individual who is born from...
Networking is an English word that indicates the ability to establish a network of contacts or a connection with something or someone. This network of contacts is a support system where there is the sharing of...
The meaning of tyranny is related to oppression, cruelty and abuse of power. It is a term that originates from the Greek word "turannos" which in classical Greece designated an illegitimate government, that is,...
Census voting consists of restricting the right to vote only for certain groups of citizens, usually those with a high social and economic standard. Generally speaking, the census vote can still...
Thanksgiving Day is a holiday mostly celebrated in the United States and Canada. In the United States, it is celebrated every fourth Thursday of...
Globalization is the phenomenon that enables exchange and approximation between different societies. It is a process that brings nations together in all aspects: social, cultural, political and economic...
Nerd means a person very dedicated to studies, who carries out intellectual activities that are often inappropriate for his age. The nerd often forgets about pleasurable social activities, such as participating...
Heretic is the name given to the individual who professes a heresy, that is, who questions certain beliefs established by a certain religion. It is the person who is contrary to the dogmas of a certain...
Osmosis is the process of moving water between different types of concentration of substances that can be dissolved. Osmosis involves physics and chemistry and is essential for the survival of...
Modus operandi is a Latin expression that means “mode of operation”, in the literal translation for the Portuguese language. This expression determines the way that a person uses to...
Environmental education is an area of education aimed at raising the awareness of individuals about the environmental problems and how to help combat them, conserving natural reserves and not polluting the quite...
Coronelismo was a system that became known during the Old Republic, where coroneis (wealthy farmers) were primarily responsible for commanding the country's political scene. Also known...