Meaning of Kabbalah (What It Is, Concept and Definition)

Kabbalah is the name of a occult science linked to Judaism, but it is also a term used to mean plot, secret intrigue, conspiracy.

To avoid confusion with the figurative sense, some scholars argue that the correct pronunciation of philosophical doctrine in Portuguese is "cabalá" and not "cabala" (as pronounced in the original "qabbalah").

Kabbalah is an esoteric method that encompasses a set of teachings related to God, the universe, man, the creation of the world, life and death. It is an esoteric Jewish mystic that is based on God's revelation to Adam and Moses.

It is a school of spiritual thought that tries to decipher the content of the Log (the first five books of the Old Testament of the Bible, called the Pentateuch by the Christians), believing that the secrets of the Universe were revealed by God, in coded form, in those books.

Kabbalah is also seen as a philosophy of life that teaches Kabbalists ways to overcome obstacles to evolve and attain spiritual peace.

Its first manifestations date back to the early days of the Christian era, but the Cabala it developed particularly between the 11th and 16th centuries and was transcribed as a doctrine in books secret like the

Zohar (Livro do Esplendor), written in Spain in the 13th century and which contains the teachings of the Kabbalah and guides its followers.

THE Tree of Life it is one of the most important Kabbalistic symbols. It is represented by 10 spheres (sephiroth), with each one reflecting the aspects of God within each person: the Crown, the Wisdom, the Understanding, the Compassion, the Justice, the Beauty, the Victory, the Renewal, the Foundation, the Kingdom.

Over the centuries the Kabbalah was transmitted orally to a small number of disciples. Even today, its study is not fully accepted in some aspects of Judaism.

Kabbalah became popular when it began to be followed by celebrities such as Madonna, Mick Jagger, Angelica, Luciano Huck, among others.

Other spellings found to designate the kabbalah are: kabbalah, kabbala, kabala, qabbala, kabbala, cabbalah.

read all about judaism.

Kabbalah and Numerology

Kabbalah is the Hebrew system of biblical interpretation by combining the letters of the alphabet. Through the numerical value of the Hebrew letters, their combinations and anagrams, they intend to obtain an esoteric interpretation of the Holy Scriptures.

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