Latest Meanings (78)

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Public policy

Public policies are measures created by governments to guarantee rights, assistance or provision of services to the population. The objective is to ensure that the population has access to rights...

meaning of nostalgia

Nostalgia means the state of deep sadness caused by the lack of something. It's the feeling of longing originated by the memory of a moment lived in the past or of people who are far away. It is a...

Legend meaning

Legend is a narrative transmitted orally by people, aiming to explain events mysterious or supernatural, mixing real facts, with imaginary or fanciful ones, and that will become modifying...

Roman Empire

The Roman Empire was a long period of the imperial phase of Roman civilization that lasted approximately 500 years (27 a. Ç. to 476 d. Ç.). Begins after the end of the Republic (509 a. Ç. to 27 a. Ç.). An empire if...

Preservation of the environment

The preservation of the environment refers to the set of practices that aim to protect nature from actions that cause damage to the environment, such as pollution, forest degradation, extinction...

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10 Principles of the Rights of the Child

All children must be protected by fundamental rights designed to ensure their protection and full development as individuals. For this, the child must be considered as a priority and must have...

Definition of Pharmacodynamics

Pharmacodynamics is the science that studies and describes the effects of medications and drugs on the body, as well as their mechanisms of action and the relationship between the dose and the effects caused. When one...

What is consumerism?

Consumerism means shopping in excess. The expression is used to identify a person's behavior or tendency to exaggerate consumption habits or make purchases on impulse. That...

Pi number (π)

The number Pi (π) is a number that represents the result of dividing the perimeter and diameter of a circle. It is an infinite numerical proportion, that is, its sequence of numbers has no end...

Definition of Abiogenesis

Abiogenesis is a theory that sought to explain the emergence of life on Earth. He sought to unravel the hypotheses about living organisms and defended the idea that the emergence would have happened from...

Definition of systematic

Systematic is an adjective given to everything that is related or part of a system. Usually, this term is designated to something or someone who observes or respects the rules of a system...

Types of pollution

Pollution is the process by which natural environments are contaminated, causing imbalances in ecosystems and even making natural resources unfit for use. There are several types...

multiplication tables

Table is the name of tables that are used to facilitate basic math operations: multiplication, division, addition and subtraction. Types of times tables As we have seen, there are times tables to help with...

Definition of Pollution

Pollution is any alteration caused to the environment, which can be a natural or agrarian ecosystem, an urban system or even on a microscale. The pollution that causes changes in the environment...

Definition of environmental pollution

Environmental pollution is the result of any type of human action or work capable of causing damage to the environment. It is the introduction into nature of substances harmful to human health, to other animals...

Popular Meanings (318)

Definition of LampiãoLampião is a type of lantern that uses fuel to soak a wick that is lit with ...

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Latest Meanings (315)

Definition of DietDiet are foods that lack a certain ingredient in their composition. It is an En...

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Popular Meanings (319)

Significance of September 11thSeptember 11, 2001 was the day of the greatest military attack suff...

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