Popular Meanings (68)

Definition of UVA and UVB

UV is the acronym for ultraviolet, which is a type of electromagnetic radiation. Thus, UVA, UVB and UVC are different types of ultraviolet rays that are transmitted from the Sun. The exposure...

meaning of surreal

Surreal means something strange, absurd, which does not correspond to reality. To say that an event is surreal means that it escapes reality, that it is bizarre or absurd. Some scholars believe that...

Definition of Gentleman

Gentleman is an English word meaning gentleman. It is a term that designates the man of irreproachable conduct, endowed with great education and culture, and great delicacy of treatment. The plural of...

Definition of ISO 14000

ISO 14000 consists of a series of standards that determine guidelines to ensure that a given company (public or private) practices environmental management. These standards are known by the System...

Definition of Harmony

Harmony is the feminine noun with origin in the Greek language and which indicates an agreement or consonance in both the artistic and social context. Some synonyms for harmony can be balance, order,...

Definition of Gothic

Gothic is the adjective that designates what is derived, relative, created or used by the Goths, the Germanic people. The term also gained the connotation of hard or barbaric, and since the 18th century it has also been...

Definition of the Unified Health System (SUS)

SUS is an acronym that stands for Unified Health System, the public health system in Brazil. The SUS was created by the Federal Constitution of 1988 and regulated by Law No. 8.080/90. This law defines the SUS...

meaning of passionate

Passional means provoked by passion. It's all that motivated by the excessive feeling of passion. It's an adjective that means loving emotions out of control. Passionate person is the one who acts...

Definition of Neurosis

Neurosis is a psychiatric condition that is characterized by adaptation difficulties on the part of the individual, although he is able to work, study, get emotionally involved and be well mingled with...

Definition of Agreement

Collective bargaining is a form of claim by a worker in relation to his employer. It also means the same thing as discord, dissent, dissension and lack of intelligence. This term is...

Meaning of Integration

Integration is a feminine noun with origins in the Latin integrae, which means the act or effect of integrating or making whole. Integration is also synonymous with assimilation and reunion. It's a term...

Definition of Critical Reflection

Critical reflection is awareness; examine or analyze fundamentals and reasons for something. Reflecting critically is the attitude of investigating and for that it is necessary to know what it is...

Meaning of HTTP

HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol which in Portuguese means "Hypertext Transfer Protocol". It is a communication protocol between information systems that allows the transfer...

skill meaning

Ability is the feminine noun that indicates the quality of a skilled person, which reveals the ability to do something. The concept of skill is closely related to the ability to...

Definition of Repressed

Repressed is the individual who has repression, a term popularly used as a synonym for jealous person and who represses the wishes and happiness of others. When it is said that a person is repressed, it means...

Expressions in English (21)

Definition of KitKit is an English word that means a set of objects or materials put together for...

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Expressions in English (19)

meaning of the bestThe Best is an English expression that means “the best”, literally translated ...

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Latest Meanings (29)

Meaning of Order and ProgressOrder and Progress is the phrase that is written on the Brazilian fl...

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