blitz is a foreign expression already incorporated into our language, figuratively speaking, to refer to a sudden police raid which aims to combat any type of illegality.
The word blitz is an abbreviation created by the English, derived from the German word blitzkrieg, which in Portuguese means lightning. The blitz was a sudden, lightning attack carried out by German aviation against the United Kingdom during World War II.
A blitz came to mean a lightning operation, one sudden inspection undertaken by a group of police or enforcement agents in order to inspect and interdict establishments or apprehending people, vehicles or collecting papers, etc., suspected of violating the rules and public order.
Blitz band
Blitz is a Brazilian rock band, formed in the 80's, in Rio de Janeiro, which was successful for several generations. Among his hit songs stands out: You didn't know how to love me and Two steps away from paradise.
The group formed by Evandro Mesquita, in voice and guitar, had several members, among them, Fernanda Abreu, Patrícia Travassos and Lobão.