rest is the same as rest and relaxation. It means a period of time off, where no activity that requires effort and work is required.
The correct spelling of this word is rest. The term "rest" is incorrect and does not exist in the Portuguese language. Rest is the inflection in the 1st person singular of the verb to rest.
In the figurative sense of the word, “rest” can still mean the object that serves as a support for some utensils. Example: “pan rest”, “pan rest”, and so on.
Among some of the main synonyms of rest they are: rest, rest, tranquility, slowness, quiet, wandering, slowness, cessation, pause, truce, idleness, among others.
Weekly paid rest
According to the labor legislation in force in Brazil, every worker is entitled to weekly rest of at least 24 consecutive hours.
This principle is defined in Law No. 605, of January 5, 1949, known as “Law of Remunerated Weekly Rest”.
According to article 71 of the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), every worker is entitled to a minimum rest period of 1 hour and a maximum of 2 hours (with the exception of a previously signed agreement) when they work more than 6 hours. If you do not exceed 6 hours of work, the mandatory rest is 15 minutes from the fourth hour.
The rest period is essential to maintain the person's productivity and physical and mental health, so it must be respected.
See also: O meaning of quiet.