Meaning of Information (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Information is the meeting or the set of organized data and knowledge, which can constitute references about a certain event, fact or phenomenon.

In a general context, this dataset aims to reduce uncertainty or deepen knowledge about a subject of interest based on what is already available.

It also refers to clarifying the functioning of a particular process or object. For example, to know how a washing machine works, you need to have access to the instruction manual, which contains information about how the machine works.

Information is also configured as a resource that gives meaning to reality through its codes and the data set. It is capable of giving rise to the formation of human thought.

It also allows you to solve problems and make decisions, based on the rational use of this knowledge acquired through it. In this way, the more accurate it is, the better the communication.

In the field of communication, information is knowledge that becomes public through the media or through advertising.

Example: "The newspaper released new information about the contest".

In the legal area, information is the set of data that can be characterized as proof of an infringement, in addition to knowing the authorship of the person who committed it.

In the areas of information technology and technology, information can be the gathering of data processed in a computer and capable of generating results for a given project.

It can still be a qualitative factor that designates the position of one system that can transmit to another.

The word comes from Latin inform, which means "model, shape". It can be replaced by synonyms such as: reference, report, science, data, notion, news, knowledge, notice, participation, note, memo, communication, announcement, message, communiqué, opinion, report, report, opinion, clarification, explanation, appreciation, recommendation.

See also the meaning of knowledge.

Information Technology

Information Technology, also known by the acronym IT, is an area that uses computing as a means to produce, transmit, store, access and use various information.

It can be used in different contexts, having a very complex and broad definition. Technology is used to process information, helping the user to achieve a certain goal.

Learn more about Information Technology

Information system

The information system is the model of processes responsible for collecting and transmitting data that are useful for the development of products or services for companies, organizations and other projects. It can be automatic or manual.

In this type of system, all the integrating components are interrelated, acting together to reach the central object of the project.

Learn more about Information system.

Access to information law

In Brazil, Law 12,527/2011 regulates the constitutional right of access to public information. It creates mechanisms that allow any person, natural or legal, to have access to public information from government agencies and entities.

The Law applies to the three Powers of the Union, States, Federal District and Municipalities, including the Courts of Account and the Public Ministry. Private non-profit entities are also required to publicize information regarding the receipt and destination of public funds received by them.

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