Popular Meanings (88)

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meaning of banal

Banal means that which has no originality, has no value, is common. Banal is something trivial, unimportant, it is something that is not given any value. The term can be used to characterize...

Characteristics of Capitalism

Capitalism is the predominant socioeconomic system in the contemporary world. Its main objective is to make profits and accumulate wealth. The capitalist system emerged in the mid-fifteenth century,...

Definition of Hygiene

Hygiene consists of a set of rules and techniques related to health preservation and disease prevention in the human body, through cleaning, disinfection and conservation of...

Phrase meaning The ends justify the means

The ends justify the means is a famous phrase wrongly attributed to Nicolau Machiavelli, which means that any initiative is valid when the objective is to achieve something important. Despite not having...

Meaning of Pink Book

Pink book is an expression used by some modeling agencies to designate a catalog of professionals who provide sexual services in exchange for bonuses. The pink book can be considered a...

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meaning of timeline

Timeline is an English word that means "timeline" in Portuguese. The term timeline is well known among users of social networks on the internet, such as Facebook, Twitter and...

Meaning of Looking 43

Look 43 is a slang used in Brazil to refer to the behavior of someone when trying to seduce another person, using the look as a form of body language. This slang emerged at the beginning of...

Definition of Award

Adjudication is a judicial act that grants possession and ownership of property, furniture and real estate, to someone. In Legal and Civil Law, adjudication is the act of transferring to the person who promotes the execution...

Definition of Friendzone

Friendzone is an expression in English that means "friendship zone" in Portuguese. In popular culture, friendzone is the name given to a relationship in which a person wishes to have...

Definition of Odyssey

Odyssey is an epic poem from the 9th century BC. C., described by the Greek poet Homer, who narrates the adventures of the hero Ulysses, on his return journey to “Ithaca” after the Trojan War. The name...

Definition of Bulimia

Bulimia is an eating disorder that causes a person to overeat and soon continue to induce vomiting, or use other resources such as taking laxatives, taking a long time course...

Definition of Constitution

Constitution is the process by which something is constituted or formed. It is the act of constituting, decomposing or establishing. The word constitution can be used to refer to the nomination or...

Definition of Setup

Setup is a word used in the English language that in Portuguese can mean configuration, installation, organization, arrangement or regulation. Quite common in the computing world, setup is a...

3 funny phrases to understand what sarcasm is

Sarcasm, have you heard? Have you ever used or been the victim of a sarcastic comment? We've chosen 3 phrases about sarcasm that will help you better understand the meaning of this word. 1. Sarcasm reveals...

Definition of Autonomous

Autonomous is an adjective that qualifies something or someone who acts in accordance with the norms of their own conduct, following their laws and impositions without the interference of others. Be it an individual or a...


Latest Meanings (205)

Meaning of AerationAeration means ventilation or air renewal indoors. It is the act of aerating o...

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Popular Meanings (210)

Definition of FacadeFacade is a term related to architecture, and it means each of the exterior f...

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Popular Meanings (211)

meaning of yummyYummy is an expression and slang commonly used by English speakers, in the sense ...

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