Meaning of Agnostic (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Agnostic is one who considers the supernatural phenomena inaccessible to human understanding. The word derives from the Greek term agnostic which means “unknown” or “unknowable”.

O agnosticism it is the philosophical doctrine of the agnostics, who consider it useless to discuss metaphysical themes, as they are realities not attainable through knowledge.

For agnostics, human reason does not have the capacity to rationally substantiate the existence of God.

The term "agnostic" was used in the 19th century by the English naturalist Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895), when he described his doubt about some religious beliefs, the power attributed to God and the meaning of life and the universe. Since then, many scholars have written on the subject.

There is also the gnosticism, a set of beliefs created even before Christianity, from the Greek word gnosis, which means knowledge.

this line of thinking it is not similar to agnosticism. In fact, knowledge of Gnosticism is considered secret and provided to a small group of people. Gnostics also believe in the existence of deities.

Types of Agnostics

theistic agnostic

A theistic agnostic admits that he has no knowledge to prove the existence of God, but believes in the possibility of the existence of one or more deities.

This type of agnostic proves that agnosticism does not exclude the possibility that there is a God or gods, but he believes he cannot prove, because there is no concrete and effective knowledge that check it out.

Some theologians also claim that theistic agnosticism is a form of belief. That is, the theistic agnostic can believe in a god, but not know what its nature, essence or even how it manifests.

atheist agnostic

The atheistic agnostic is one who admits that he does not know whether God exists or not, but also does not believe in the existence of any deity.

For the atheist agnostic, any supernatural phenomenon is also unknowable, that is, there is no kind of knowledge that can effectively prove it.

Thus, any nature, being or phenomenon considered supernatural is also not part of the belief of an atheist agnostic.

weak agnostic

The weak agnostic, also known as empirical agnostic, is one who admits that he does not know whether or not there is any kind of deity, but that he is open to denying or even believing in the existence of a god, through logical and rational proof.

For the weak agnostic, the existence of God cannot be proved through science.

The weak agnostic believes that, even if he does not currently have proof that there is some kind of deity, the possibility that something can be proved in the future is not ruled out.

strong agnostic

Unlike the weak agnostic, for the strong agnostic, also known as convinced agnostic, it will never be possible to prove the existence or non-existence of a god.

For a strong agnostic, the claims of a theistic agnostic (that there is a possibility of divine existence) and an atheist (that God does not exist) are not relevant or concrete.

For him, don't need or should there will be a discussion on this question, because neither science, logic nor reason can prove the existence or non-existence of a god.

apathetic agnostic

For the apathetic agnostic, the existence or non-existence of a god makes no difference in the lives of human beings or the universe.

This type of agnostic is known for its strong characteristic regarding the indifference of the existence or non-existence of the divine and the supernatural.

model agnostic

A model agnostic does not believe that science, metaphysics, or philosophy are capable of defining whether or not god exists.

In this type of agnostic, what predominates is the belief in a kind of malleable model, based on reason, that can explain the divine existence.

Learn more about the meaning of Theism, Atheism and Agnosticism.

Difference between agnostic and atheist

The agnostic is one who does not believe in the existence of a god or any other deity, but does not deny the possibility of existence.

What the agnostic believes is that there is no effective knowledge that proves the existence or non-existence of a god. However, if it turns out to be proven, they will believe.

Unlike agnostics, atheists affirm in a definitive way that there is no god or any other deity, even if its inexistence cannot be proved either.

For the atheist, what exists is what is possible to see or what can be proved, such as matters or scientific laws, for example.

know more about Atheist and Gnostic.

famous agnostics

Some of the most famous agnostics are:

  • Albert Camus;
  • Bill Gates;
  • Charlie Chaplin;
  • Caetano Veloso;
  • Chico Buarque;
  • Brad Pitt;
  • Charles Darwin;
  • Albert Einstein.

Argentine writer Jorge Luís Borges made the following statement about agnosticism:

"I don't know if there's anyone on the other end of the line, but being an agnostic means that all things are possible, even God. This world is so strange, anything can happen, or not happen. Being an agnostic allows me to live in a wider world, a more futuristic world. It makes me more tolerant."

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