Latest Meanings (90)

meaning of Jericho

Jericho is an ancient biblical city, located in Palestine, on the banks of the Jordan River. The name Jericho means "fragrant" and is derived from the Canaanite word, which has the same meaning. It is believed that Jericho...

Definition of Twerk

Twerk or Twerking is an English word, considered a contraction of the term footwork (a style of dance concentrated in the movement of the feet) or formed by the joining of the words "twist" (twist, to spin)...

meaning of tenuous

Tênueé an adjective of two genres originating from the Latin term meaning tenuis slender, delicate, fragile, weak or subtle. This word also serves to qualify something that has little thickness...

Definition of Accessibility

Accessibility is the quality of what is available, that is, what is attainable, which has easy access. It is a feminine noun that is related to what is nearest facility in ...

meaning of amen

Amen is a Hebrew term used to affirm or join something. Amen is an interjection that means "certainly," "really" and "so." Amen is a word used by ...

Meaning of Biopsychosocial

Biopsychosocial is a model of medicine that studies the cause and development of disease considering the biological, psychological and social. He is opposed to the biomedical model, which is focused ...

meaning of empire

Empire is a word that indicates a state that is ruled by an emperor or empress. It may also indicate a vast territory, composed of various nations, people who profess different religions, ...

Meaning of Authoritarianism

Authoritarianism is a leading system by which the leader has absolute power and authoritarian and implements its goals and rules without seeking the guidance and advice of his followers. This system of ...

meaning of teamwork

Teamwork is when a group or a company decides to create a collective effort to solve a problem. Teamwork can be described as a set or group of people who are dedicated to ...

Meaning of Labor Day

Work hours is the period during which the worker is at the disposal of your company, and this time is established in the Labor Law. Each country has its own regulations for ...

Meaning of Criticism

Criticism is a philosophical doctrine that denies all knowledge whose foundations have not been analyzed critically. Prepared by the Enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), this doctrine ...

Meaning of Transcendence

Transcendence it is that which is beyond the material world, it refers to the metaphysical phenomena. It comes from the Latin word "trancendere" meaning overcome. It is an important ...

Meaning of fortuitous case

Fortuitous events is an expression that means one occasion or event that can not be predicted and that causes a consequence. Use of this term is very common under the law. It is used to ...

Meaning of Phylogeny

Phylogeny or phylogeny is the study of the relationship between different groups of organisms and their evolutionary development. The phylogeny tries to trace the evolutionary history of life on the planet. Is based...

Meaning of Anarchism and Communism

Anarchism and communism are two distinct ideologies policies with great theoretical influence around the world. Anarchism is the ideology centered on the total elimination of all kinds of coercion. Or...

Latest Meanings (298)

Definition of OutletOutlet is the name for a retail sales market, in which producers and industri...

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Popular Meanings (298)

meaning of ruffleBabado is a masculine noun used in slang and it means tititi, gossip, gossip. In...

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Latest Meanings (296)

Meaning of ContemporaryContemporary is an adjective that refers to what is from the same time, wh...

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