Swastika is a mystical symbol that originally represents the quest for happiness, salvation and good fortune. The swastika is formed by a cross with its curved ends positioned around a...
Pikachu is a fictional creature that belongs to the Pokémon universe, and its name means “sound of an electric mouse”, in the free translation from Japanese. To understand the meaning of the name Pikachu,...
Symbol of the Olympics is formed by a set of five colored rings (blue, black, red, yellow and green), intertwined and arranged on a white background. This image symbolizes the union of...
Fauvism is an avant-garde French artistic movement that emerged at the beginning of the 20th century, known mainly for the use of strong and pure colors, as well as works that escaped the rules of reality. O...
Constructivism is an artistic-political movement that emerged in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century, which had as its principle the idea of art as part of people's daily lives, eliminating the “soul of...
Expressionism was an avant-garde artistic movement in opposition to French Impressionism. The idea of expressionism was of art as action, in the artist's conception of the image in a way...
Abstractionism is an avant-garde artistic movement in which the representation of reality is made in a deconstructed way, using colors, lines and abstract shapes. Also called Abstract Art,...
Dadaism is a modern artistic avant-garde that emerged with the aim of breaking away from classical and traditional styles, acting in an “anarchic” and “irrational” way. Also known as Movement...
Futurism is a modern artistic movement that emerged in the early years of the 20th century, and which defended the end of moralism, denying the past and applauding the technological and industrial revolution. This one...
Fanfics are fictional stories created by fans, which are based on different characters and movie stories, books, series, comic books, video games, manga, anime, groups musicals,...
Matrioska is a traditional Russian handcrafted toy. Also known as the “Russian doll”, the matrioska is characterized by bringing together a series of dolls of varying sizes that are placed in a...
Mexican skull is a symbol used in the rituals of the Day of the Dead in Mexico, representing life and protection from evil spirits. The Mexican skull is one of the main symbols of...
Classical music is an erudite musical genre, characterized by the complexity of the instrumentation and for being represented in the form of symphony, opera or other types of musical developments. Too...
Cubism is an avant-garde European artistic movement that emerged in France at the beginning of the 20th century and is characterized by the use of geometric shapes to portray nature. Cubism was founded...
Neutral colors are white, black, and different shades of gray, mainly. However, it can also be all other undertones of other colors (weaker shades, affected by...