Popular Meanings (97)

Definition of Electricity

Electricity is the branch of physics that has as its object of study the phenomena related to electrostatics, electrokinetics and electromagnetism. According to the law of energy conservation, it is one of the ways that...

Definition of Ebenezer

Ebenezer means stone of help, or gratitude, is a term in Hebrew. Ebenezer is a village in Ephraim (region of Canaan), where the Philistines defeated the Israelites and took the Ark of the Covenant...

Definition of environmental pollution

Environmental pollution is the result of any type of human action or work capable of causing damage to the environment. It is the introduction into nature of substances harmful to human health, to other animals...

meaning of tale

Tale is a textual genre marked by short narrative, written in prose and less complex than novels. The origin of tales is related to the tradition of telling stories in a way...

Definition of Class Struggle

Class struggle is the opposition between different classes of society. Class struggle is not just a conflict, it involves economy, politics and society as a whole. The term class struggle was...

Definition of Relativism

Relativism is a current of thought that questions the universal truths of man, making knowledge subjective. The act of relativizing is taking into account cognitive, moral and...

meaning of social class

Social class is a group made up of people with similar cultural, political and economic patterns. The financial factor is one of the most striking features in defining a class...

Definition of Haters

Haters is a word of English origin that means "those who hate" or "haters" in the literal translation into Portuguese. The term hater is widely used on the internet to classify some...

Legal Regime and CLT Contract

Regime PJ (Legal Person) and CLT contract (Consolidation of Labor Laws) are forms that define the employment relationship when companies are going to hire workers. In the CLT are all the laws...

Definition of Disaster

Thus it means "this way", "this way", "this way", "therefore", "therefore". The word is formed by the agglutination of the words "this" + "art" (this art). It is a...

meaning of apogee

Apogee is the masculine noun in the sphere of astronomy that indicates the farthest point that a celestial body presents in relation to the Earth. In a figurative sense, the word apogee means the peak, period...

Definition of WO

WO is the acronym for the English word walkover, which translated into Portuguese means “easy victory”. This term is quite famous for being used in the sports world. The WO is the...

Meaning of Revoke

To revoke is to nullify, undo, eliminate, derogate, invalidate. To revoke is to cancel a decision made previously. It's going back, it's making something go out of effect. Revoke is a transitive verb...

Definition of Bittersweet

Bittersweet is an adjective of two genders, used to describe something that tastes both bitter and sweet or sour and sweet. Some synonyms can be sour, sour and bittersweet. This word is...

Definition of Zip code

Zip code is an expression in English that means Zone Information Postal, in Portuguese Postal Information Zone. Zip code is a numeric postal address code used in the postal service...

Latest Meanings (128)

Definition of PentagonPentagon is a geometric figure formed by five angles and sides. It is also ...

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Popular Meanings (128)

Definition of linguistic prejudiceLinguistic prejudice is discrimination between speakers of the ...

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Popular Meanings (129)

Meaning of EvidenceEvidence means something that is clear, highlighted, visible to everyone. Evid...

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