Lotus Flower Meaning (What It Means, Concept and Definition)

In the east, the Lotus flower means spiritual purity. the lotus (padma), also known as the Egyptian lotus, sacred lotus or Indian lotus, is an aquatic plant that blooms on water.

Lotus flower

In Buddhist symbolism, the most important meaning of the lotus flower is purity of body and mind. The muddy water that welcomes the plant is associated with attachment and carnal desires, and the immaculate flower that blooms on the water in search of light is the promise of purity and spiritual elevation.

It is symbolically associated with the figure of Buddha and his teachings and, therefore, they are sacred flowers for the peoples of the East. Legend has it that when the boy Buddha took his first steps, everywhere he stepped, lotus flowers bloomed.

In Asian religions, most deities usually appear sitting on a lotus flower during the act of meditation.

In the classical literature of many Asian cultures, the lotus flower symbolizes elegance, beauty, perfection, purity and grace and is often associated with ideal feminine attributes.

The lotus flower represents a mystery for science, which cannot explain its characteristic of repelling microorganisms and dust particles.

It is a flower often used in tattoos with different meanings associated with each color of the flower. In Japan this flower is often tattooed together with the fish. koi, meaning individuality and strength.

In Yoga, the Lotus Position (Padmasana) is the traditional meditation posture, in which a seated person interlocks their legs and rests their hands on their knees.

Learn more about the meaning of Tibetan Buddhism.

Significance of Colors of the Lotus Flower

  • Blue Lotus: refers to the triumph of the spirit over the senses, it means wisdom and knowledge. This flower never reveals its interior, as it is almost always completely closed.
  • White Lotus: is related to the perfection of spirit and mind, state of total purity and immaculate nature. It is usually represented with 8 petals.
  • Red Lotus: reveals the candor and original nature of the heart. This flower corresponds to the qualities of the heart such as love, passion and compassion. It is also known as the flower of the Buddha of Compassion, Avalokitesvara.
  • Pink lotus: although it is often confused with the white lotus flower, the pink lotus is the most important and special of all lotuses, being related to divine characters, as is the case of the Big Buddha.

The closed or bud lotus flower is a symbolism of the infinite possibilities of Man, while the open lotus flower represents the creation of the Universe.

Learn more about Buddhism.

Lotus Flower in Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, the Lotophagi are a people who lived on an island near North Africa and who, as the name implies, ate lotus plants and flowers. These plants have the effect of a narcotic that causes peaceful sleep and also amnesia for those who eat them.

In Homer's Odyssey, there is an episode in which three men are sent to the island in order to investigate it. However, as they eat the lotus flowers like the rest of the inhabitants, they forget that they have to go back to the boat. Later, Odysseus manages to rescue the men and even had to tie them to the ship so that they would not return to the island. Through this story, Homer demonstrates all his creativity and knowledge about the human being, because amnesia caused by the lotus flower is something that many people want: the possibility of starting over, of being reborn and erasing the past.

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In the east, the Lotus flower means spiritual purity. the lotus (padma), also known as the Egypti...

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