Meaning of Blue Flower (What it is, Concept and Definition)

blue hydrangeablue flower means dream, Utopia, mystery and infinite.

It became a symbol of romantic poetry when the German poet of the pseudonym Novalis wrote in the novel entitled "Heinrich von Ofterdingen" the story of a young medieval poet who was looking for a mysterious blue flower.

The blue flower then became the symbol of romantic nostalgia toward the infinite, one of the most enduring symbols of the romantic movement.

It is seen as a mystical flower, unattainable and associated with the achievement of something impossible. It also represents something that is unreal, imaginary and fanciful.

In nature, blue is a hard color to find. Flowers that appear with a blue hue usually have a bit of mixed purple. For example, Hydrangea, Violet, Agapanto, Lily and Lobelia.

The Blue Lobelia and the Blue Lily are flowers in which there is a greater intensity of the blue color.

As it is considered a cool color, the blue of some flowers can denote indifference and disinterest. On the other hand, there are those who attribute to blue flowers the meaning of trust, loyalty, harmony and affection.

The blue flower also has a calming and relaxing property.

Meet the parts of a flower.

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