Meaning of Flower (What it is, Concept and Definition)

flower it is the plant's reproductive organ, it is the part from which the seed or fruit will come out.

The flower is a symbol of feminine beauty. Because they wither quickly, they can also symbolize the fickleness and ephemerality of life.

Due to their perfume, beauty and variety of colors, the flowers are cultivated for ornaments, gifts and, with less frequent use, in cooking.

Flowers are full of symbology. In the world they can symbolize youthfulness, energy, new life and victory over death. Flowers are also used in decorating large events to convey some specific meaning. For example, at weddings, the flowers brought by the bridesmaids are an allusion to femininity and fertility. As flowers depend on the sun, they are also associated with it. Many people believe that flowers express God's happiness when they bloom in spring.

Popular culture


Flowers also have meanings related to color, shape and name, and there are representative flowers for every occasion. Some time ago, flowers were only gifts offered by lovers, but nowadays, because the flowers have many different meanings, flowers are also offered as proof of friendship, admiration and respect.

Flowers are extremely popular in the world of tattoos, considering that they are one of the most used designs in this art form. Of all the flowers people choose to immortalize through tattooing, the rose is the most popular.

Roses are the most symbolic flowers in the world, whether for their variety of colors and aromas or for the meanings they awaken in the popular imagination. The colors of the roses can represent passion (red), happiness (yellow), friendship (pink), loyalty (white) etc.

For the same flower, there may be different meanings, as they are popular creations and, therefore, subject to variations. They can also express different feelings influenced by the culture of each country.


Some flowers are edible and used in cooking for cooking, adding to salads, decorating the dish, etc. For this it is necessary to have knowledge about which flowers are suitable for human consumption.

Figurative meaning

In the figurative sense, flower is a term used in different contexts, for example: calling someone a "flower" indicates that they are a nice, delicate, gentle or beautiful person; "Flower of Age" symbolizes youth, a joyful time, bright and colorful, in which various feelings and emotions blossom; "fine flower" designates the most important part, the elite; "to the bloom of" means at the surface of, at the level of. Popularly, to say that someone is "not a flower to smell" refers to an untrustworthy person.

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