Nationality is the condition of a citizen that it belongs to a particular nation with which it identifies itself. It is the quality of what is national, which is proper to the nation, the homeland.
One of the synonyms for nationality can be citizenship, which means the legal and political link from an individual to a State, and this connection presupposes some rights and duties.
The term “nationality” probably originates from the French word “nationality”, whose meaning refers to the “national feeling”.
A nation is constituted by a national state composed of a people who share the same origin, history, language and traditions. Through nationality, national citizens are distinguished from foreigners.
Nationality can be acquired by naturalness (original acquisition) or by naturalization (secondary acquisition, acquired after birth), as determined in the Constitution of each nation-state. In Brazil, a person of another nationality can apply for Brazilian nationality if they have lived in Brazil without interruption for at least 15 years.
In certain countries, the original nationality can be acquired byjus sanguinis (right of blood) or byjus solis(land law), or through the two principles together (modality adopted by Brazil).
For example, a person who was born in Brazilian territory (jus solis) will have Brazilian nationality at the time of birth. A citizen who was born abroad, but is the son of a Brazilian father or Brazilian mother, will also have recognized Brazilian nationality (jus sanguinis).
A person can have Dual nationality, that is, the nationality of two different countries. For example, a luso-brazilian is an individual with Portuguese and Brazilian nationality.
nationality and place of birth
Nationality generally refers to the country of birth, while birthplace specifies the region (city and state) where the citizen was born.
See also the meaning of nationality and birthplace.