Meaning of Misogyny (What it is, Concept and Definition)

Misogyny is repulsion, contempt or hate against women. This form of aversion to women is centered on a sexist view, which places women in a subordinate relationship in relation to men.

Contempt or hatred directed at women is directly related to the violence that is practiced against women.

Misogyny is the main cause of most murders of women, also known as femicide, which is configured as forms of physical and psychological aggression, mutilation, sexual abuse, torture, persecution, among other violence related directly or indirectly to gender feminine.

Learn more about the meaning of femicide.

Etymologically, the word "misogyny" arose from the Greek misogyny, that is, the union of particles miseó, which means "hate", and gyne, which translates to "woman". An individual who practices misogyny is considered misogynistic.

The antonym of misogyny is known as phylogyny, which is love, affection, appreciation and respect for females.

Causes of Misogyny

Patriarchal culture, centered on the male figure, develops machismo and develops the foundations of male domination. The concept of gender superiority, instituted by patriarchy over the years, and sexism help to fuel the idea of ​​devaluation and prejudice against women.

Nowadays, even after several achievements, women continue to face numerous challenges and prejudiced barriers that impede gender equity and equality.

Misogyny and Misandry

Misogyny is the extreme feeling of disgust, contempt and hatred against women, while misandry is the name given to the feeling of rage or aversion practiced against males.

Etymologically, the term "misandry" arose from the Greek misosandrosia, composed by the joining of the particles misos, which means "hate", and andros which means "man".

There is a debate that questions the position of misandry in face of misogyny, due to the important historical burden that carries the prejudice suffered by women over the centuries. Some people believe that misandry emerged as a form of "defence" for women attacked by misogynists.

Learn more about meaning of misandry.

Misogyny and Misanthropy

Misanthropy is the repulsion or aversion to the human being or to humanity. At first, this may seem like a very shocking definition, but misanthropy is the set of various types of existing discriminations and prejudices, such as homophobia, xenophobia and misogyny.

However, from a general point of view, the misanthrope (one who practices misanthropy) is someone who distrusts or dislikes humanity in general.

Learn more about meaning of misanthropy.

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