Meaning of Citizen (What it means, Concept and Definition)

citizen is a individual who lives in society - group of individuals between which reciprocal relationships exist.

Citizen is the inhabitant of the city, and have the right to enjoy their civil and political rights of the State in which he was born, or in the performance of his duties to him.

When citizens are aware of and exercise their rights and duties towards their homeland, they are practicing citizenship.

It is the obligation of the family and school structure to educate the citizen so that the Constitution is respected.

Learn more about the meaning of citizenship.

worthy citizen

A worthy citizen is one worthy of honor, who deserves rewards and applause for important services or outstanding procedures rendered to society.

honorary citizen

Honorary citizen is a title given to an important person for providing favors that help local social development.

The person honored becomes a fellow countryman from the homeland, even if he was not born or does not reside in the place that bestowed him with the honor.

The title of honorary citizen is granted by the City Council of a city, the Legislative Assembly of a State, the Chamber of Deputies or the Federal Senate.

Citizen Card

The Citizen's Card in Brazil is issued by Caixa Econômica Federal and serves to facilitate the management of the system of social benefits offered by the government to Brazilian citizens.

citizen Kane

The film Citizen Kane (Citizen Kane, in the original English title) was directed by the iconic Orson Welles and released worldwide in 1941.

This film is considered a milestone in cinema history, due to the cinematographic innovations and narrative techniques presented at the time.

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