Media (What is it, Concept and Definition)

Media consists of the set of different media, with the purpose of transmitting information and varied content.

The media universe encompasses a series of different platforms that act as means to disseminate information, such as newspapers, magazines, a television, O radio and the Internet, for example.

The media is intrinsically related to journalism, but also to other social communication specialties, such as advertising. Advertising also appropriates the media to achieve its goals, as the media reaches and exerts a huge influence on the lives of individuals in contemporary times.

In Portuguese, the term “media” originated from English average, the simplified version of mass media, which is precisely the expression used to refer to the mass media.

However, especially after the advent of the internet, the media becomes more heterogeneous, guiding matters that are not of exclusive interest to large government-related media companies, for example.

with the call "alternative media", subjects that were once ignored by

mass media begin to be discussed on online platforms, mainly through social networks.

Media Types

Currently, communicators divide media types into two main categories: analog and digital/electronic.

The main difference between both models is the possibility of feedback via digital media, present on the internet, for example.

At analog media (or also known as “traditional media”), the communication process is one-sided, leaving the receiver unable to respond or interact with the information or content they receive.

See also: the meaning of Media.

Social media

Digital media developed with the advent of the internet, facilitating the exchange of information between media producers and the receivers, in addition to enabling something unprecedented and revolutionary in communication: the instantaneous interaction between both parts.

At social networks (also known as social media), such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and blogs, for example, are currently the main existing digital media.

See also: the meaning of Social Communication.

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