The Brazilian Association of Technical Standards – ABNT, among other attributions, is responsible for standardizing the formatting of technical documents, aiming to facilitate their understanding and access to...
Elipse is a figure of speech in the Portuguese language, which consists of the omission of one or more terms from a clause, which are easily identified from the context of the text. At...
Vocative is a term of prayer – word or expression, which highlights the person or thing to which the word is addressed. It is always separated by a comma. Vocative is an isolated term within the sentence,...
Reading is the action of reading something. It's the habit of reading. The word derives from the Latin "lecture", originally meaning "election, choice, reading". The work or the text is also referred to as reading...
ASAP is the acronym for As Soon As Possible, an English expression that means, as soon as possible, in Portuguese. The term is used in emails, invitations, text messages etc. to say that the...
Sic is a Latin adverb which in Portuguese means “this way”, “this way”, “this way” “exactly like this” and “this way”. The word "sic" is written in parentheses,...
Cyanosis is a sign or symptom that can be noticed by the purplish-blue coloration of the skin, under the nails or in the mucous membranes. Cyanosis occurs due to poor oxygenation of arterial blood. The cyanosis...
Jihad is an Arabic term meaning “struggle”, “effort” or commitment. It is often considered one of the pillars of the Islamic faith, which are religious duties designed to develop the spirit of...
Morbidity is a characteristic variable of communities of living beings and refers to the set of individuals, within the same population, who acquire diseases (or a specific disease) in a given...
Pressure is a word that means force that is exerted on something. It can also indicate the act of compressing or pressing. It also corresponds to a magnitude in the context of physics. In Physics, the...
Aerobics or Aerobic Gymnastics, is any type of physical activity that, through fast and rhythmic movements, causes oxygenation of muscle cells and high caloric expenditure. The aerobics...
Ergonomic is the adjective that designates something related or that refers to ergonomics. Ergonomics is an area that addresses questions about modern working life, and also aims to...
Postulate is a sentence that is not proved or demonstrated, and therefore becomes obvious or becomes an initial consensus for the acceptance of a given theory. The postulate is not necessarily a...
Light year is a unit of measurement used to calculate distances in astronomical space, that is, where the planets, stars, comets and so on are located. The distances between the stars are...
Tacitus is an adjective in the Portuguese language, it means something that is implicit or that is understood, with no need for explanations or mentions about it. A tacit behavior is one that seeks...