Definition of Capicua (palindrome number): what it is, how to obtain it and examples

Capicua or palindrome number is a number that can be read in either direction (right to left or left to right) and has exactly the same value, for example 6446.

To recognize a Capicua number, just look at it in both directions, left to right and right to left, and if the number doesn't change, it's considered a Capicua number.

Examples: 22, 171, 3993, 5555, 45854, 02022020, 9562659 and 741535147.

How to get a capicua number?

It is possible to create a capicua number from other numbers. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Choose any number;
  2. Add the chosen number to its inverted value (inverted form of the number);
  3. Confirm that the result is a capicua number.
  4. If the number found is not capicua, just repeat the process until you find a new number. The calculation must be repeated until the capicua number is found in the result.

Examples of numbers that generate capicua:

Number 123:
123 + 321 = 444 (is a Capicua number).

Number 76:
76 + 67 = 143
143 + 341 = 484 (is a capicua number).

Number 68:
68 + 86 = 154
154 + 541 = 605
605 + 506 = 1111 (is a Capicua number).

Numbers that do not generate capicua (Lychrel numbers)

There are some numbers that do not generate a capicua, as is the case of 196 and 897. These numbers that do not create a capicua are considered a mystery in mathematics and are called Lychrel numbers.

Curiosities about the capicua numbers

1. All numbers formed by equal digits are also capicua. Examples:

  • 11, 88, 222, 5555, 99999.

2. Any capicua number formed by an even number of digits is divisible by 11 and the result is an integer. Examples:

  • 4664 ÷ 11 = 424
  • 123321 ÷ 11 = 11211
  • 2266 ÷ 11 = 206
  • 5555 ÷ 11 = 505
  • 244442 ÷ 11 = 22222

3. Numbers that are formed only by the digit 1 always generate a palindrome when multiplied by themselves. Examples:

  • 11 x 11 = 121
  • 111 x 111 = 12321
  • 11111 x 11111= 123454321
  • 1111111 x 1111111 = 1234567654321

4. Some dates also form capicua numbers. Examples:

  • 02/22/2022 (the next Capicua date will be the last of the century)
  • 02/02/2020 (last capicua date)
  • 21/12/2112
  • 8/10/2018
  • 9/10/2019
  • 30/03/3003

5. Any single digit number is a capicua:

  • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 are capicua numbers.
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