Difference between game and sport

The sport it is a competitive activity, with pre-established rules and, generally, the participants are professional players or sportsmen. Already the game it is a recreational activity, not always competitive, and the participants themselves can define or adjust the rules.

The goals of each one are also different.. In the game the objective is to have fun, even if it is in the competitive modality, while in the sport the main objective is to win, as they are professionally oriented and monitored by their institutions.

Institutions such as federations, leagues and confederations define the rules of sports, such as: o exact number of participants, place of practice, penalties, scores, specific uniform, among others. Games don't need that. As much as there are rules in some, they can be adapted according to the players' interests.

For example, in swimming, swimmers must follow established rules to compete with other participants. In a game like pike flag, no matter how many rules exist, the players themselves can adapt them.

Some examples of sport are: volleyball, soccer, swimming and jiu-jitsu.

Some examples of games are: pique-flag, burnt (a), stop (addinette/addinette).

In games there are also two important rankings. You cooperatives are those in which there is a single objective to be achieved by the team, which help each other throughout the match. And the pre-sports, which help in learning techniques, tactics and rules of some sports.

What are pre-sports games

Some games are also used to learn sports, which is why they are called pre-sports games. The objective of these games is to teach and train some moves, techniques and rules of some sports.

The Throwing Challenge, for example, helps you understand and practice some basketball rules and tactics. Queimada (or Queimado) helps players understand and train some handball moves and tactics.

Many of these pre-sports games are used by physical education professionals in the curricular teaching of schools, to encourage students to play professional sports and adapt to rules and tactics more playful.

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