Latest Meanings (156)

Definition of Propedeutics

Propedeutics is a term used to address the initial and introductory steps in the learning process. Its origin comes from the Greek term propaideutikós, which means “relating to instruction,...

Definition of Business Logistics

Business Logistics is an area of ​​Administration that is dedicated to organizing the company's production processes. Also called traditional logistics, it proposes ways to improve...

Definition of visual impairment

Visual impairment is characterized as the total or partial impairment of the visual capacity of one or both eyes, which cannot be corrected or improved using lenses or treatment...

Definition of Probity

Probity means acting in accordance with the ethical and moral principles accepted in a society. It means having integrity of character. It is a characteristic of people who usually act with ethics and honor in...

Definition of Homo habilis

Homo habilis is a species of human evolution already extinct, belonging to the class of hominids, considered the first human being properly so called. This species derives from the evolution of the australopithecus...

Definition of contentious divorce

Litigious divorce is a divorce that happens when a couple cannot agree on the terms of the separation or when one of the people does not want the divorce to take place. It is used when...

Significance of Human Relations Theory

The Theory of Human Relations, also called the School of Human Relations, is the gathering of theories on human behavior in the workplace, created to guide the studies of...

meaning of social exclusion

Social exclusion is a term that characterizes the distancing of a person or group that is in an unfavorable or vulnerable situation in relation to other individuals and groups in society. This one...

Definition of Billing

Billing is the sum of all sales, whether of products or services, that a company makes in a given period. This process demonstrates the real production capacity of the company and its...

Definition of family tree

The family tree is the graphical and symbolic representation of the history of an individual's family connections, presenting their ancestors and descendants in an organized way. This is a...

meaning of social service

Social work is a profession of interventional character, which is based on instruments and methods. multidisciplinary social sciences to analyze and propose adjustments to the various issues social...

Definition of Controllership

Controllership is an agency or department that has a control function. He works in the administrative, accounting, human resources and risk management areas. Controllership is responsible for the organization,...

Meaning of the hydroelectric power plant

Hydroelectric power plant is an engineering work that uses the hydraulic power of water to produce electricity. Also known as hydroelectric plants or hydroelectric plants, these...

meaning of cosmology

Cosmology is the branch of astronomy that focuses on studying the origin, evolution, composition and structure of the Universe. The goal is to try to understand scientific and philosophical issues of beings...

Meaning of Complementary Colors

Complementary colors are those that, within the chromatic circle of colors, are positioned opposite each other. In general, they serve to reduce the intensity of colors and obtain neutral colors or...

Popular Meanings (24)

Definition of NationalityNationality is the condition of a citizen who belongs to a particular na...

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Latest Meanings (21)

ABNT Standards for Academic WorkThe Brazilian Association of Technical Standards – ABNT, among ot...

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Latest Meanings (22)

Definition of AllowanceAllowance represents a benefit intended for a person or entity that has ac...

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