Brazilian start-up Arco opens applications for trainee

Arco, an education and technology startup, has just opened enrollment for its 2019 trainee program. These are opportunities for professionals from all courses, attending the last year or having graduated no more than three years ago. The vacancies are for Fortaleza, São Paulo and Curitiba.

Founded in 2006, Arco develops educational solutions for all segments, from basic to medium. The startup's methodology is based on excellent content, relevant educational technology and specialized services at its essence. With a historic growth of over 40% per year, the company now serves more than 500,000 students and 1,400 students throughout Brazil.


The trainee program starts with a month of immersion in various business units. It's an opportunity to get to know Arco's product, the client's and learn about the Education market, as well as being able to experience the company's culture, more horizontal and informal, and connect with the values ​​and purpose of the startup.

After the immersion, the trainee will be allocated to one of the business units, where they will receive a strategic project based on the profile identified during the selection process and integration. In this phase, the execution of the challenge will be monitored by a senior leadership from Arco.

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Selective process

The selection process is online and in person. There are five steps:

  1. Online Logical Reasoning, Text Interpretation, Cultural Fit, and Archetype Trainee Archetype Tests;
  2. In-person group dynamics in São Paulo (SP), Belo Horizonte (MG), Curitiba (PR) and Fortaleza (CE);
  3. Individual interviews with leaders (online);
  4. Face-to-face panel with finalist candidates at the company's headquarters. Candidates will experience a real case, which represents the challenges faced daily at Arco;
  5. Final interview with Arco vice presidents

Arco does not require any other requirements than the candidate to be in the last year of the course or to have graduated within a maximum of three years. The startup is looking for resilient, humble professionals who have a sense of team, always looking to evolve and want to engage in work and in Brazilian education.

There is no closed number of places for the program. According to Arco, the number of hires depends on the number of candidates who align with the company's culture and fit the desired trainee profile.

Applications for the trainee program run until May 26. For more information, Click here.

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