Brazil is among the worst countries in education ranking

Brazil did not do well in the International Student Assessment Program (Pisa) 2015, an international ranking that assesses student performance in science, reading and mathematics. The data were released this Tuesday, December 6, by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

Pisa 2015 measured the knowledge of students from 72 countries. Brazil ranked 63rd in science, 59th in reading and 65th in mathematics. Although Pisa evaluates 72 countries, 70 are considered in the ranking, as Malaysia and Kazakhstan do not follow the same sampling rules as other countries, which does not allow for comparison.

Regarding the score, Brazil obtained an average of 401 points in science, while the world average is 493. In reading, the country obtained 407 points, against 493 of the OECD member countries and, in mathematics, the Brazilian performance was 377 points, also below the world average, which was 490.

One of the reasons for the country's low performance may be the socioeconomic conditions. While in Brazil, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita considered in Pisa is 15.9 thousand dollars, the OECD average is 39,300 dollars per inhabitant. The member countries of the organization also invest more for students aged 6 to 15, 90,300 dollars against 38,200 dollars invested by Brazil.

However, Brazil's performance is worse than that of countries that invest less per student, such as Uruguay and Mexico. Chile, which has expenses similar to Brazil, also achieved superior performance in the three areas evaluated.

See below the ranking of the best countries by area:

1) Singapore: 556 points
2) Japan: 538 points
2) Estonia: 534 points
4) Chinese Taipei: 532 points
5) Finland: 531 points

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1) Singapore: 535 points
2) Hong Kong (China): 527 points
2) Canada: 527 points
4) Finland: 526 points
5) Ireland: 521 points

1) Singapore: 564 points
2) Hong Kong (China): 548 points
3) Macau (China): 544 points
4) Chinese Taipei: 542 points
5) Japan: 532 points

Full Pisa ranking 2015


The Ministry of Education (MEC) held a seminar this Wednesday to comment on the 2015 Pisa results. According to Minister Mendonça Filho, the result represents a tragedy for the future of Brazilian youth. "What we could see in front of these numbers is that the vast majority of these young people do not have the minimum knowledge necessary to exercise citizenship according to the standards of the globalized world in which we live", commented the minister.

The executive secretary of the Ministry of Education, Maria Helena Guimarães de Castro, highlighted the importance of reforms in education, such as definition of the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), which is under discussion for secondary education and in the final phase of preparation for the others phases. According to the secretary, the BNCC will guide the training of teachers, which is key in this process.


Pisa evaluates students from public and private schools from the 7th year of elementary school. Through sampling, selected students answer questions about the three areas evaluated and fill out a questionnaire about their school and family routine, in addition to reporting experiences of learning.

In Brazil, 23,141 students from 841 public and private schools from all states participated. The exam was administered by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research (Inep) to students aged between 15 years and 3 months (complete) and 16 years and 2 months (complete).

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