Novotec: Registration for 3,000 vacancies in free professional courses

If you are a high school student in the Secretary of Education of the state of Sao Paulo and want to prepare for the job market for free, this is the chance.

Registration for the free courses of professional qualification of the Novotec Virtual Program.

The initiative comes from the São Paulo State Economic Development Secretariat (SDE) and the Paula Souza Center (CPS). Vacancies are being offered to 3,000 students from the high school of the São Paulo State Department of Education network.

Check out some free courses
  • Free Online Inclusive Education Course
  • Free Online Toy Library and Learning Course
  • Free Online Math Games Course in Early Childhood Education
  • Free Online Pedagogical Cultural Workshops Course

The courses, which will be carried out by the distance learning modality (EaD), are of systems development assistant and planning assistant.

Classes start on August 5 through the platform of the Virtual University of the State of São Paulo (Univesp), and CPS content accompanied by a tutor. The course will last for two semesters, with 10 hours per week, totaling 400 hours.

Entries will be made by Novotec Virtual Program website and, like the qualification, there is no cost for the student.

See too: Instituto Alemão Offers R$12,000 Scholarship for Brazilians

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