One, ten, hundred and thousand

The numbers we use are part of the Decimal Numbering System and are organized into classes consisting of three digits each: units (U), dozens (In hundreds (Ç).

Table of orders and classes

Units, tens and hundreds

what are units?

A unit is a single value. For example, each egg in a carton corresponds to one unit, so a carton with 12 eggs has 12 units.

what are tens?

A ten is made up of 10 units. So 10 eggs equals a ten, 20 eggs equals two tens, 30 eggs equals three tens, and so on.

1 ten = 10 units

what are hundreds?

A hundred is made up of 100 units, which also correspond to 10 tens. So 100 egg units (10 tens) make one hundred, 200 egg units (20 tens) make two hundred, and so on.

1 hundred = 10 tens = 100 units

Decomposition of numbers into units, tens and hundreds

Any number of up to three digits belongs to the 1st class of numbers and can be decomposed into units, hundreds and tens, see:

52 = 50 + 2 → 5 tens and 2 units.

79 = 70 + 9 → 7 tens and 9 units.

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124 = 100 + 20 + 4 → 1 hundred, 2 tens and 4 units.

598 = 500 + 90 + 8 → 5 hundreds, 9 tens and 8 units.

And what happens to numbers that have more than three digits? Every three digits we have a new class, then we can have 2nd class, 3rd class, and so on.


The 2nd class is also called the thousands class, so the units of that class are called thousand units, the tens of tens of thousands and the hundreds of hundreds of thousands.

  • 1 unit of thousands = 1000 units
  • 1 tens of thousands = 1000 tens = 10000 units
  • 1 hundred thousand = 1000 hundreds = 100000 units

Let's see some examples:

1351 = 1000 + 300 + 50 + 1 → 1 thousand unit, 3 hundreds, 5 tens and 1 unity.

12520 = 10000 + 2000 + 500 + 20 + 0 → 1 ten thousand, 2 thousand units, 5 hundreds, 2 tens and 0 units.

453891 = 400000 + 50000 + 3000 + 800 + 90 + 1 → 4 hundreds of thousands, 5 tens of thousands, 3 thousand units, 8 hundreds, 9 tens and 1 unity.

Practically, we can start from right to left of a number by ranking in the following order: one, ten, hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand, and so on. against.


Example of units, tens, hundreds and thousands

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  • What are the differences between number, numeral and digit?
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