Exercises on carbon cycle

O carbon cycle it can also be called the Earth's biogeochemical cycle. This process allows the carbon fixed by plants is recycled in nature.

We prepare a list of carbon cycle exercises so you can test your knowledge of carbon fixation in living things.

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Exercises on carbon cycle

1) (UFRN) At each moment, a large part of the carbon that makes up the body of all living beings has been in the atmosphere before, and returns to it in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2). During the carbon cycle in nature, one of the processes that ensure the return of carbon from these organisms to the abiotic environment is:

a) nutrient oxidation during cell respiration.
b) formation of complex molecules such as glucose.
c) combination of this element with hydrogen in air.
d) binding with nitrogen atoms to form proteins.
e) bonding with oxygen atoms.

2) "The use of fossil fuels by human beings has returned to the atmosphere in the form of CO

2, carbon atoms that have been out of circulation for millions of years. Due to the burning of fossil fuels, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased a lot, causing some damage.”

Considering the above statement, mark the incorrect alternative:

a) The increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere intensifies the greenhouse effect, a natural phenomenon that makes life possible on planet Earth.
b) The amount of carbon dioxide has been increasing significantly in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution, when humanity began to burn fossil fuels.
c) The main factors responsible for the increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are the vehicle engines, industries, incineration of household waste and burning of fields and forests.
d) The CO2, in contact with humid air, it oxidizes and turns into sulfuric acid, which corrodes buildings.

3) (UFMG) A rosehip seed planted in a pot with 2kg of soil turns, in two years, into an 800g plant. This weight gain is mainly due to the absorption of:

a) organic matter.
b) carbon dioxide.
c) nitrogen.
d) phosphorus.

4) (FUVEST) Consider the carbon atoms of a starch molecule stored in the seed of a tree. Carbon returns to the environment, in inorganic form, if the starch is:

a) used directly as a substrate for respiration by the plant embryo or by a herbivore.
b) digested and the resulting glucose is used for respiration by the plant embryo or by a herbivore.
c) digested by the plant embryo and the resulting glucose is used as a substrate for photosynthesis.
d) digested by an herbivore and the resulting glucose is used in the synthesis of reserve substances.
e) used directly as a substrate for photosynthesis by the plant embryo.

5) (VUNESP) The carbon cycle in nature can be represented, simplified, as follows.

Exercises - Carbon 5 cycle
The numbers 1 to 5 indicate, respectively:

a) photosynthesis, nutrition, respiration, combustion and death.
b) respiration, nutrition, photosynthesis, death and respiration.
c) nutrition, combustion, photosynthesis, death and respiration.
d) photosynthesis, combustion, respiration, death and nutrition.
e) photosynthesis, respiration, nutrition, combustion and death.

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6) (FGV) The carbon cycle is relatively fast, except when it is:

a) dissolved in aquatic ecosystems.
b) released by breathing.
c) converted to sugars.
d) stored in wood.
e) released as CO2.

7) (PUC-RJ) Since the Industrial Revolution, the content of carbon dioxide (CO2) atmospheric, which was around 275 ppm (parts per million), experienced an increase in the order of 25%. It is estimated that, in 2050, if the current emission rates of this gas are maintained, levels between 550 and 650 ppm will be reached. Which alternative points out, respectively, the main cause of the increase in CO2 atmospheric and a possible way to reduce this phenomenon?

a) Deforestation in the Amazon and large-scale reforestation.
b) Use of CFC-containing gases and eradication of nuclear energy.
c) Increase in cultivated areas and environmental education campaigns.
d) Large-scale burning of fossil fuels and reforestation.
e) Depletion of the ozone layer and reduction of industrial activity.

8) (UFES) Carbon is the basic constituent of all organic compounds, being used as a primary source of energy by living beings. As for its use by these bodies, it is correct to state that:

a) autotrophs and heterotrophs return carbon to the atmosphere in the form of CO2, through respiration or photosynthesis.
b) the atmospheric carbon dioxide absorbed by animals enters into the synthesis of carbohydrates that, together with proteins and lipids, form their tissues.
c) the amount of energy contained in fat and carbohydrate molecules will pass along the food chain, from one organism to another, increasing with each trophic level.
d) the bacteria in the root nodules fix atmospheric carbon and supply part of it to the host plant.
e) carbon is incorporated into the skeleton of vertebrates and some invertebrates, such as foraminifera and molluscs.

9) (UFMS-RS) Note the following diagram, which is a simplification of the carbon cycle.

Exercises - Carbon 9 cycle
In this cycle, if I represent the:

a) consumers, II will represent the decomposers.
b) consumers, II will represent the producers.
c) producers, II will represent consumers.
d) producers, II will represent the decomposers.
e) decomposers, II will represent consumers.

10) Considering the quote by the English novelist John Fowles who says that "matter is immortal", we can conclude that:

a) the decomposition of organic matter can take thousands of years because some parts are rich in fiber.
b) organic matter never decomposes.
c) organisms constantly remove from nature the chemical elements they need, but these elements always return to nature, so they are considered immortal.
d) in the carbon cycle, this chemical element returns to the environment in the form of CO2 only through the breathing of living beings.


1 - the
2 — d
3 — b
4 — b
5 — the

6 — d
7 — d
8 — and
9 — b
10 — c

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See too:

  • List of exercises on epithelial tissue
  • Vertebrate Exercise List
  • List of exercises on food chains

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