Individual student report with special needs

O individual student report, it is very important to establish communication between the educational institution and the parents. The document must contain the characteristics of the students so that parents are aware of what happens to their children.

Therefore, it is very important that the educator is careful with the words used in the document. Mainly because the report is attached to the student's history. So beware of ambiguities.

In some cases, students need more attention, as in the case of students with special needs. Check out models now for you to be inspired when producing a individual student report with special needs.

Individual student report with special needs


  • Model 1
  • Model 2
  • Model 3
  • Model 4
  • Model 5

Model 1

(name of the student) managed to get many advances. However, not expected for this phase.

(name of the student) carries out painting, cutting and folding activities with great enthusiasm and always shows interest in creativity.

But, it presents a reading without fluency and difficulties in writing. In addition, he always complains of headaches and cannot concentrate.

(name of the student) he is also aggressive with colleagues and in some cases, even with the teacher.

All your stuff gets thrown around the room and every now and then you miss something. This makes it difficult for you to participate in some activities.

With that in mind, we send this report so that parents are diagnosing what may be happening, so that we can continue their learning process.

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Model 2

This year, (name of the student) had a good evaluation, taking into account its limitations and difficulties related to down syndrome.

(name of the student) is a very creative child and besides socializing very well, he enjoys exploring the school environment.

Every week, (name of the student) it has speech therapy services.

(name of the student) demonstrates delay in his fine and wide motricity, characteristic of Down syndrome.

In addition, she does not like to practice physical activities and has difficulties in memorization, numerical values, classification and quantification. All her thoughts are absolutely concrete.

She can read on her own, but she doesn't always interpret what she read. Despite this, it produces small texts.

(name of the student) he achieved many achievements throughout the year and the support of his family was essential for his progress in this learning process.

Model 3

(name of the student) managed to surprise everyone at the beginning of this school year. Despite being visually impaired, he is still interested in learning the contents taught in the classroom.

In math activities, he does very quick mental calculations and when we have reading exercises (with his texts in Braille), he manages to develop well and still interpret what was read.

(name of the student) he is also a very communicative child and gets along well with all his classmates. Furthermore, (name of the student) he never surrenders to his limitations and does his best to carry on with his activities normally.

In Physical Education, she always wants to do something and her colleagues always support her to participate in a game.

Overall, we concluded that despite (name of the student) have limitations related to their vision, get along very well with classmates and still get excellent grades.

Family members are also very participative and always encourage (name of the student) to give their best in all areas.

Model 4

In the last semester, it was detected that (name of the student) have dyslexia. Since then, the teacher has been preparing activities for her literacy to be as inclusive as possible.

Some more attractive and stimulating exercises have been applied, always involving creativity, practical experiences, both in groups and individuals.

The parents at first asked if it would be necessary to enroll (name of the student) in a special class. But, we came to the conclusion that there has been a great exchange of experiences.

We were told that (name of the student) is going through all the necessary follow-ups (speech therapy, psychology, among others).

After all, (name of the student) it is treated as naturally as possible, we just put it to sit next to the teacher's desk, to make sure of its attention.

We always encourage you to try, even when you make a mistake and since then, (name of the student) feel safer for the activities that have been proposed.

Family members are very committed to their learning and this is visible in the activities, which are always delivered on time, in their frequency and in their growth.

Model 5

(name of the student) has an unparalleled charisma. She is very loving to everyone at school and always very communicative.

However, she doesn't pay attention to the proposed activities and when a colleague does something she doesn't like, she hides under the table and stays there until the teacher talks.

We understand (name of the student) it has limitations, as we have already been contacted that it has attention deficit. With that in mind, the teacher does more playful activities that involve more creativity.

But, it does not always manage to hold the attention of (name of the student). Furthermore, (name of the student) does not eat at snack time, even with a lot of insistence.

That's why we ask parents to talk to (name of the student), so you don't go all day without eating anything.

We also ask that parents participate in a meeting with the institution's teacher and psychologist, so that together we can find methods for growth in learning to (name of the student).

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