15 Best Poems by Mário de Andrade

Mário de Andrade is one of the most important names in the Brazilian Modernism. Alongside Oswald de Andrade and Manuel Bandeira he composed the famous modernist triad, which revolutionized the way of making poetry in Brazil.

The heroic phase, as the first modernist generation is also known, proposed a renewal of the arts, the abandonment of classical tradition and presentation a great concern in creating a literature identified with culture Brazilian.

Mário was a great defender of popular culture, proposing a break with current literary standards, innovating, among other things, the language of the poem.

Son of an aristocratic family from São Paulo, Mário Raul de Morais Andrade was born in São Paulo on October 9, 1893. From an early age he studied piano and later studied at the renowned Dramatic and Musical Conservatory of São Paulo, where he would, years later, be a professor.

He moved away from music, his first passion, due to strong tremors in his hands. He then approached literature, and published his first book under the pseudonym Mário Sobral. His first book There is a drop of blood in each poem, published in 1917, was strongly influenced by Parnassianism, a literary school that would come to be the target of harsh criticism by the writer.

In addition to being a musician and writer, Mário was also a great researcher of Brazilian popular culture, carrying out several expeditions through the interior of the country to observe and document the habits of his people.

From this ethnographic research emerged the guidelines of the modernist movement, which emerged with the achievement of the emblematic Week of Modern Art in 1922. In the same year he published one of his most important books, Pauliceia Desvairada, a book of poems considered to be the basis of Brazilian modernism.

In 1927 he published Amar, intransitivo verb, a work that would cause astonishment among traditional São Paulo families, as it touched on a controversial subject: the work deals with the history of a an aristocratic family from São Paulo that hires the services of a German governess to initiate their child into a sexual and love life, a common practice among the wealthy families of that era.

In 1928, at the invitation of his friend Oswald de Andrade, he joined the staff of writers of the Revista de Antropofagia. zovirax online year his greatest work appears: Macunaíma.

Throughout his life he has collaborated with several publications, including A Gazeta, A Cigarra, O Echo, Papel e Inta, Klaxon, Diário Nacional, Folha de São Paulo and Diário de São Paulo.

He also held the positions of director of the Institute of Arts of the State University of Rio de Janeiro and professor of Music History at the Conservatório Dramático e Musical de São Paulo. He died on February 25, 1945, victim of a heart attack, aged 51.


  • Poems by Mario de Andrade
  • Poem: Will you accept love as I see it?… – Mário de Andrade
  • Poem: Discovery – Mário de Andrade
  • Poem: Moça Linda Well Treated – Mário de Andrade
  • Poem: Poems da Amiga – Mário de Andrade
  • Poem: Ode to the Bourgeois – Mário de Andrade
  • Poem: Lundu of the Difficult Writer – Mário de Andrade
  • Poem: Eternal Presence – Mário de Andrade
  • Poem: Forty Years – Mário de Andrade
  • Poem: The Poet Eats Peanuts – Mário de Andrade
  • Poem: Sonnet – Mário de Andrade
  • Poem: Temptation – Mário de Andrade
  • Poem: Epitalâmio – Mário de Andrade
  • Poem: Dedication – Mário de Andrade

Poems by Mario de Andrade

Life has passed, the work remains, and for you to get to know the universe of this indispensable writer for the understanding of our modern literature, the site school education selected fifteen poems by Mário de Andrade that will provide him with a journey through modernist aesthetics. Good reading!

  1. Poem: Will you accept love as I see it?… – Mário de Andrade

Will you accept love as I see it?…

Will you accept love as I see it?…
… Very light blue, a nimbus, softly
Keep the image, as a screen
Against these banal furniture present.

All the best and rarest
Live in your naked teenage body,
The leg thus played and the arm, the clear
Gaze stuck in mine, lost.

Do not demand anything else. I don't wish
Also nothing else, just look at you while
The reality is simple, and that's it.

How great... the total evasion of pejo
That is born from imperfections. the charm
That is born of serene adorations.

  1. Poem: Discovery – Mário de Andrade


Seated at the desk in São Paulo
In my house on Lopes Chaves street
Suddenly I felt a cold inside.
I was trembling, very moved
With the stupid book looking at me.

Can't you see that I remembered that there in the North, my God!
too far from me
In the active darkness of the night that fell
A thin pale man with hair streaming into his eyes,
After making a skin with the rubber of the day,
He has just gone to bed, is sleeping.

This man is Brazilian like me.

  1. Poem: Moça Linda Well Treated – Mário de Andrade

Beautiful girl well treated

Beautiful, well-groomed girl,
Three centuries of family,
Dumb as a door:
A love.

Fine of shamelessness,
Sport, ignorance and sex,
Donkey as a door:
One thing.

fat woman, fillet,
of gold through every pore
Dumb as a door:

Unconscious plutocrat,
nothing door, earthquake
That the poor man's door breaks down:
A bomb.

  1. Poem: Poems da Amiga – Mário de Andrade

Friend's Poems

The afternoon lay in my eyes
And the flight of time gave me April,
A familiar taste of goodbye created
An air, and, I don't know why, I noticed you.

I turned in flower. But it was just your memory.
You were far away sweet friend and I only saw the profile of the city
The strong archangel of the pink skyscraper,
Fluttering blue wings in the afternoon.

When I die I want to stay,
Don't tell my friends,
buried in my city,

My feet bury in Aurora Street,
In Paissandu leave my sex,
At Lopes Chaves the head
Forget it.

In the Pátio do Colégio sink
My heart from São Paulo:
A living heart and a deceased
Well together.

Hide your ear in the mail
Right, left in Telegraphs,
I want to know about other people's lives

Keep the nose in the roses,
The tongue at the top of Ipiranga
To sing freedom.

The eyes in Jaraguá
They will watch what is to come,
The knee at the University,

Hands toss around,
That deviate as they lived,
Guts shoot the Devil,
That the spirit will be of God.

  1. Poem: Ode to the Bourgeois – Mário de Andrade

ode to the bourgeois

I insult the bourgeois! the nickel-bourgeois
the bourgeois-bourgeois!
The well-done digestion of São Paulo!
The curve-man! The buttock man!
The man who being French, Brazilian, Italian,
is always a cautious little-by-bit!

I insult cautious aristocracies!
The lamp barons! The counts Johns! The Dukes Braying!
Who live within walls without leaps,
and moan the blood of some weak milreis
to say that the lady's daughters speak French
and touch the “Printemps” with their nails!

I insult the dismal bourgeois!
The indigestible beans and bacon, owner of traditions!
Aside from those who figure tomorrows!
Look at the lives of our Septembers!
Will it be sunny? Will it rain? Harlequin!
But in the rain of roses
the ecstasy will always make Sol!

Death to fat!
Death to cerebral adiposities!
Death to the monthly bourgeois!
To the bourgeois-cinema! To the tiburi bourgeois!
Swiss bakery! Living death to Adriano!
“—Oh, daughter, what will I give you for your years?
— A necklace… — I count five hundred!!!
But we starve to death!”

Eats! Eat yourself, oh! gelatin amazed!
Oh! moral mashed potatoes!
Oh! hair in the nostrils! Oh! bald!
Hate to regular tempers!
Hate muscle clocks! Death to infamy!
Hate to the sum! Hate to dry and wet
Hate to those without fainting or regrets,
forever the conventional sameness!
Hands behind your back! I mark the compass! Hey!
Two by two! First position! March!
All to Central from my intoxicating grudge!

Hate and insult! Hate and anger! Hate and more hate!
Death to the squabbling bourgeois,
snorting religion and not believing in God!
Red Hate! Fruitful hate! Cyclic hate!
Hate foundation, no forgiveness!

Outside! Fu! Out of the good bourgeois!…

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  1. Poem: Lundu of the Difficult Writer – Mário de Andrade

Lundu of the Hard Writer

i am a difficult writer
That many people find,
But this guilt is easy
To finish at once:
just take the curtain
That light enters in this darkness.

Caipora denim curtain,
with crab web
And bad redneck ornament,
Speak speak brazilian
that you see beautiful
So much light in this capoeira
Such-and-such in a gupiara.

I mix everything in a bag,
But gaucho from Maranhão
Which stops in Mato Grosso,
Beat this angelfish
See pigweed soup;
Life is really a hole,
Bobo is who is not armadillo!

I'm a difficult writer,
But whose fault it is!…
all hard is easy,
It's enough for us to know.
Bajé, pixé, chué, oh "xavié"
It became a fossil from so easily,
The hard part is learning!

vulture virtue
To see everything from afar!
No need to wear a thong
To penetrate my hunting!
Do you know the French “singe”
But you don't know what guariba is?
— Well, it's a monkey, brother,
Who only knows what is from the outside.

  1. Poem: Eternal Presence – Mário de Andrade

Eternal Presence

This happy desire to embrace you,
For how far away are you from me,
Makes me imagine you everywhere
Vision, bringing me happiness and peace.

I see you in a dream, dream of kissing you;
I see you shadow, I'm running after;
See you naked, oh white lily of art,
Blushing the existence of a boy…

And with seeing you and dreaming you, this memory
Geratriz, this magic longing,
Give me the illusion that you've arrived at last;

I feel the joy of those who ask and reach
And the deceptive strength of, in truth,
Have you, far from me, close to me.

  1. Poem: Forty Years – Mário de Andrade

Fourty years

Life is for me, you see,
A happiness without rest;
I don't even know if I enjoy it anymore, because I enjoy it
It can only be measured in suffering.

I know it's all a mistake, but knowing
Of this, I persist in deceiving myself... I dare
Saying that life was the precious good
Which I loved. It was my sin... Horrendous

It would be, now that old age advances,
That I feel complete and beyond luck,
Cling to this feminized life.

I will make my end my hope,
Oh sleep, come... That I want to love death
With the same mistake with which I loved life.

  1. Poem: The Poet Eats Peanuts – Mário de Andrade

The Poet Eats Peanuts

Chewed on hot peanuts…
Spoken in a Curumim language
Of uncertain words in a melancholy luscious sway...
Fresh slow grinds come out by my good teeth...
Wet my lips that give sprawling kisses
And then they murmur without malice the well-born prayers...
Brazil loved not because it is my homeland,
Homeland is by chance of migrations and our bread wherever God gives…
Brazil that I love because it's the rhythm of my adventurous arm,
The taste of my breaks,
The balance of my love songs and dances.
Brazil that I am because it's my very funny expression,
Because it's my lazy feeling,
Because it's my way of earning money, eating and sleeping.

  1. Poem: Sonnet – Mário de Andrade


So many tears I have, my lady,
Spilled from the suffering eyes,
That my ardors have gone with them
And eagerness to love that your gifts came to me.

All the crying I cried. All I had,
it fell to my chest full of splendors,
And instead of creating better lands there,
It made my soul safarian and sissy.

And it was such crying for me,
And such are the pains, so many sorrows
Which tore your grace from my chest,

How much to lose, I have lost everything!
I don't see surprises in surprises anymore
And I don't even know anymore, unfortunately!

  1. Poem: Temptation – Mário de Andrade


i closed my lips to life
And I kiss no one else, my lips are,
Like cold stars that, with the lost light,
They roll from chaos to chaos in darkness.

Not that the soul has ever been disillusioned
Or let my wishes pass away, no!
What others prejudged a descent,
It's up for me, elevation!

I see the ordeal I yearn for, I see
The sublime Madeira, “Glories” I hear,
And I go up! The earth groans… I stop. (And a kiss.)

The thicket bole… I shiver. (It's a body.) Oh Cruz,
How far still you are! And I am so young!
And around me everything seduces!…

Eclogue (imitated by Alberto de Oliveira)

Tirsis, while Melibeo seeks
stray goat, sleepy
Lies in the shade of pine forest and the wind
Listen, looking at the cirrus clouds from above.

But enough of the pure Nise vargens,
Which has him pinned to his feet, and he's thirsty
Of love, but of dreams
Guard, that this one, with capros, in the plain.

Pass the nymph beside him. he then changes
The look at this spring frole,
And he says, seeing her lips and lap:

– Oh, if I could, instead of the rude one,
My mouth on yours, had not had
So dark the ingenuity, and the lax body

  1. Poem: Epitalâmio – Mário de Andrade


The high glow of this insane passion
It will blind our hearts
And disinherited from human hope
We will tread through darkness…

You will no longer be proud of the sovereign
Beauty! and me, my warm songs
No more strumming with a proud hand
On the harp of light of my illusions!…

For the accomplishment that is now final
The high glow will soon go out
That inflames you and illuminates my desire...

As in the last verse the last rhyme,
I will testify, without enjoyment and without heat,
My last kiss in your kiss!

  1. Poem: Dedication – Mário de Andrade


That this gallant book,
Your eyes, remember one day,
Who offers you this
Years and joy.

Small he is and modest.
It is often sad;
Will not steal, however,
How much
You have illusion and dream.

The one you have now,
Take away (without realizing it),
The ones in your green years
You lose;
You won't lose by reading it.

Read slowly. Notice
The beauty of the verse;
See how the burning vate
The world so diverse!…

But don't be sad;
in these
Lines, there is no truth.
Always live florida
Enter the happiness.

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