The History of Education in Brazil


  • Colonial period
  • First Institution
  • Real family
  • Republished Period
  • Period of the Military Regime

Colonial period

The Jesuit priests arrived in Brazil with the mission given by the Portuguese colonizers to domesticate the indigenous population.

The "soldiers" of Christ were part of a religious order called the Society of Jesus, their formation takes place in the 16th century after the Protestant Reformation, religious movement led by Martin Luther which began with the elaboration of a document containing 95 theses that denounce the abuses committed by the Catholic Church.

In addition to “taming” the indigenous people, facilitating the colonizer's domain, the Jesuits were also the responsible for implementing the first school in Brazil, based basically on principles religious.

From the Augustinian order, Luther denounced, through this document, the abuses practiced by the Catholic Church, including the practice of selling indulgences, which consisted in the sale of pardons.

Along with the publication of the theses, Luther was responsible for translating the Bible into the German language, until then, the sacred scriptures were written in Latin, which restricted the reading of a larger number of people.

Martin Luther's attitude generated a crisis within the powerful Catholic Church, at first his intention was not to provoke a division of Christians, but to guide them according to the true christianity. Luther's theses gave rise to the first Protestant churches in Europe.

The denunciation of crimes committed by the Pope, institutionalized by the Church led many faithful to abandon Catholicism and follow the principles guided by Luther. This drop in the number of Catholics motivated an action by the church known as Counter-Reformation. The measure aimed to win back the faithful and win new followers in the lands recently colonized by the Europeans.

One of the strategies adopted by the counter-reform was the creation of the Society of Jesus in 1534, the priests who formed this order had the mission to assist the colonizers in the task of “civilizing” the native peoples and indoctrinating them according to the tenets of religion Catholic.

The Jesuits arrived in Brazil in 1549 together with Father Manoel da Nóbrega and Governor General Tome de Souza, the religious had great importance in the intermediary of the relations between the colonizers and the indigenous peoples.

The action of the "soldiers" of Christ in a way contributed to the acculturation of the natives, because, in order to catechize them, the priests had to first teaching Portuguese, during the indoctrination process, religious practices were strongly influenced by rituals. Catholics.

The education provided by the Jesuits was basically religious and structured along the lines of European education. In addition to the Indians, white and Christian men also studied in schools founded by the religious, enslaved blacks were excluded from the education system.

First Institution

The first educational institution created in the country was the College of Salvador da Bahia, founded by priest Manoel da Nóbrega, in 1549 the second emerged the following year, founded by the Jesuit Leonardo Nunes in São Vicente, on the coast of São Paulo. Basically, education consisted of teaching to read, count and respect Catholic principles.

With the expulsion of the Jesuits by the Marquês de Pombal in the 18th century, teaching became secular detached from religion, however the strong religious influence prevailing in the colony made this difficult separation. Secular education would only gain strength in the Brazilian educational system at the end of the 19th century.

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Real family

The transfer of real family to Brazil in 1808 gave a new impetus to education. João VI promoted a series of changes in an attempt to make the cultural environment of colonial society as close as possible to the metropolis, the creation of first faculties of medicine in Bahia and Rio de Janeiro in 1808 and the School of Fine Arts in 1816, boosted scientific development in the Brazil. Despite these advances, the first Brazilian universities were only created in the beginning of the 20th century.

During the First Reign the first primary schools were created, the law on Elementary Education was approved in 1827 and determined the establishment of these educational institutions in all provinces and villages of the empire.

The failure of the law can be seen in numbers, only 10% of the school-age population was enrolled in schools. In 1834, the creation of an additional act destined the provinces to organize primary education and higher education to the federal government. During this period, the first lyceums appeared and in the scope of private schools there was a great growth of school institutions based on religious principles.

Republished Period

at the beginning of republican period, education would be strongly influenced by the “Escola Nova”, a movement that emerged in Europe and which placed the path to the resolution of social problems in education. Urban and industrial growth in the first decades of the 20th century interfered with the creation of an educational model that met the needs of the socioeconomic market.

For the supporters of Escola Nova, educational reforms should be guided by an education capable of training qualified professionals to work in different sectors of society.

Another innovation in this period was the creation of a serial education system, now students would be grouped into classes according to age. During the Getúlio Vargas government, education gained greater prominence, the school should be used as a mediator of conflicts contributing to the creation of new knowledge that are capable of developing man as a critical and thinking. In 1930, the Ministry of Education and Public Health Affairs was created.

Period of the Military Regime

During the military government (1964-1985) education gained special prominence, the formation of student associations that challenged the methods used by the military regime motivated the increase of the authoritarianism and the repression of educators and students, the dissolution of the National Student Union in 1967 illustrates very well this fear of the government in relation to educational institutions.

The insertion of disciplines such as Social Organization and Brazilian Politics (OSPB) and Moral Education and Civica proves that the government used the educational system as an instrument to achieve its goals.

With the end of the military regime and the opening of democracy, the Constitution of 1988 demonstrated the government's concern with directions of education, when it defines a period of ten years for the universalization of education and the eradication of illiteracy.

In 1996, the new LDB – Law of Basic Directives was enacted, law 9394/96 dictates the necessary guidelines for the organization of the educational system.

The first LDB was created in 1961, the second in 1971 and the third from 1996 is in force to this day. One of the great advances is the government's obligation to guarantee care for children between zero and six years old, early childhood education becomes the first stage of basic education, followed by primary and secondary education.

Although the LDB dictates education norms throughout the national territory, it grants wide freedom for educational organization in the municipalities. One of the challenges of the Law of Guidelines and Bases is to ensure quality education capable of contributing for the complete development of the citizen and to alleviate the inequalities generated by socioeconomic factors.

Lorena Castro Alves
Graduated in History and Pedagogy

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