Geography of Mato Grosso

the state of Mato Grosso is located in the Brazilian Midwest region. Geographically, it borders Pará, Goiás, Amazonas, Tocantins and Mato Grosso do Sul. Furthermore, it shares an international border with Bolivia. Its total area is 903,366,192 km², making it the third largest state in the country. The estimated population is 2,504,353 inhabitants.

The urban area, in turn, corresponds to 519.7 km², making it 11th in the order of states with the largest urban area. Its capital is Cuiabá, which is even halfway between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. As such, it is the most central point on the continent, that is, the geodesic center of Latin America.

O relief Mato Grosso is predominantly flat, with the existence of low altitudes, plateaus, hills, plateaus, mountains, elevations, depressions, plains and sedimentary rocks. It comprises three distinct units, the Basalt and Mato-Grossense Plateaus, as well as the Mato-Grossense Pantanal.


The Serra das Araras, Alto Paraguai, Plain of the Pantanal and Chapada dos Guimarães, National Park located between Cuiabá and the municipality of the same name, stand out. Due to its location, it spans the negative four time zone and is therefore 4 hours ahead of GMT.

The state has a varied climate, with the super-humid tropical monsoon prevailing. The average annual temperature is above 24°C with a rainy summer and a dry winter. The capital is one of the hottest cities in the country, with temperatures reaching 40°C. Chapada dos Guimarães, in turn, has milder temperatures.

Most of the territorial area of ​​Mato Grosso is occupied by the so-called Legal Amazon. It is an equatorial forest with large trees concentrated in the northern part of the state. Examples of this type of vegetation are rubber and andiroba.

Also, make up the vegetation of the state o thick and the Pantanal. The first, located further south of Cuiabá, is characteristic for its low, gnarled trees, gallery forests, and the predominance of shrubs. However, the advance of agriculture has transformed the area into cotton and soy fields.


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As for the Pantanal, it is the largest flooded area in the world, considered a World Heritage Site since 2001. The transition region between two types of vegetation has, as characteristics, a great diversity of fauna and flora, in addition to the coverage of grass species.

The state's hydrographic system comprises the Amazon (north), Paraná (south and southeast) and Tocantins (south) basins. The main rivers that make them up are:

  • Amazon: Juruena, Teles, Pires, Arinos, Aripuanã, Xingu and Roosevelt
  • Tocantins: Araguaia, das Mortes, das Garças, Xavante and Cristalino
  • Paraná: Cabaçal, Jauru and Sepotuba

Its economy is based on agriculture, livestock, mining and industry, making it one of the largest soy exporters in the world. As for energy production, the Manso Plant and the Bolivia-Mato Grosso Gas Pipeline stand out.

Summary Geography Mato Grosso

  • Geographic Region: Midwest
  • Countries and neighboring states: Tocantins and Goiás (east), Amazonas and Pará (north), Rondônia and Bolivia (west), Mato Grosso do Sul (south).
  • Area: 903,366,192 km²
  • Climate: tropical semi-humid
  • Relief: plain with the presence of swamps (west); plateaus and plateaus (central); residual plateaus (north) and depressions (south).
  • Vegetation: Cerrado, Pantanal and Amazon Forest.
  • Highest point: Serra Monte Cristo, with 1,118 meters of altitude
  • Major cities: Cuiabá (590,118 inhabitants), Várzea Grande (271,339 inhabitants), Rondonópolis (230.320 inhabitants), Sinop (135,874 inhabitants), Tangará da Serra (110,100 inhabitants), Cáceres (90,600 people), Sorriso (82,200 people), Barra do Garças (59,800 people), Primavera do Leste (58,200 people) and Lucas do Rio Verde (58,100 people) hab).
  • Main natural resources: ores, rubber and water.
  • Main rivers: Arinos, Xingu, Araguaia, Xavante, Paraguay, Guaporé, Paraná
  • Main environmental problems: deforestation, river and air pollution, illegal hunting of animals.

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