The skills required for the Enem writing test

Achieving a mark of 1,000 in the writing of the National High School Exam is a true dream for most candidates who annually take what is the largest entrance exam in Brazil. Achieving the maximum score means that the candidate will have greater chances of occupying the long-awaited place in the educational institution that he chose, in the course he chose, that's why many strive to write an argumentative dissertation capable of impressing the brokers.

The 1,000 mark is still a challenge for the vast majority of students: in 2014, according to data from INEP (National Institute of Studies and Educational Researches Anísio Teixeira), only 250 of the approximately 6.2 million students who took the test achieved the score. maximum. Although it is a difficult feat to be achieved, it is not impossible, especially if the candidate is within the five competences assessed in the essay. But it is not enough to know them, it is necessary to train a lot so that on the big day the candidate will be able to put them into practice.

Among the skills expected for writing the essay are mastery of the standard written language, understanding the proposal and writing a dissertation text, defense of a point of view and good argumentation, demonstration of knowledge of linguistic mechanisms and elaboration of an intervention proposal for the problem addressed. It is worth remembering that each of these competences is equivalent to 200 points, and the writing represents 20% of the composition of the final grade of the National High School Exam.

The themes of Enem's Newsroom usually present dialogism with political-social issues, so it is important, in addition to knowing all the skills required, be aware of the main issues discussed by society in the last twelve months (remembering that the subject of writing never is factual). If you are not that familiar with the proposal, be aware of the supporting texts (also known as compilations), as they offer good elements for the elaboration of the argumentative dissertation. A careful reading of the collection – as well as the entire proof – can make all the difference when putting ideas down on paper.

Achieving a good grade means that the candidate has successfully passed the exam; a zero in the essay means that the candidate was automatically eliminated, postponing the dream of studying at a good university until later. So that this doesn't happen, and to help you succeed in writing Enem, the Escola Educação website will tell you about each of the five skills required by the Exam. Stay tuned! Good studies and good test!

The five skills required on the Enem Writing test

  1. Index

    • Mastery of standard written language
    • Understanding the proposal and writing a dissertation text
    • Defend a point of view and argue well
    • Demonstrate knowledge of linguistic mechanisms
    • Elaborate intervention proposal for the addressed problem

    Mastery of standard written language

Knowing the standard standard of written language is essential for those who want to write well and for those who want to rock the Enem's writing. The various records of the Portuguese language are important, however, when writing a essay type essay, it is necessary put into practice all acquired knowledge (especially those related to the cultured norm) throughout the career school.

In this competence, the examiner will assess the candidate's ability to adapt to the standard modality of the language, so it is essential that you respect the grammatical rules, including spelling and accentuation. A good tip is to read a lot, especially texts that are in accordance with this record, including texts in the which predominate the referential function of language, such as news, reports and articles, found in magazines and newspapers.

  1. Understanding the proposal and writing a dissertation text

This is the second competency assessed in the writing of the National High School Exam. To write a dissertation-argumentative text, the candidate needs to know the structural and discursive characteristics of this textual type. The modality requires the author to present a thesis that is in accordance with the proposal; in addition, it is also necessary to present consistent arguments that convince the reader. For this, you must present a reasoning and defense of a coherent point of view, that is, one that makes sense. It is important to be careful not to fall into contradiction and thus invalidate your arguments, under penalty of having your grade harmed.

Unfortunately, many candidates are unable to make sufficiently critical and grounded arguments, which ends up revealing little reading and insufficient cultural background. It is not enough to rely on tips, it is necessary to read a lot to avoid the risk of presenting an essay whose argumentation is fragile and inconsistent. Even if you don't know the subject well, read the collection carefully and try to extract as much information from it, articulating all the perspectives presented in the essay's statement.

  1. Defend a point of view and argue well

Defending a point of view and arguing well is the third competency assessed by examiners. In this item, the way in which the candidate selects, relates, organizes and interprets information, facts, opinions and arguments in defense of his point of view will be evaluated. The candidate is expected to take a stand on the issue and never be “on the fence”; for that, the argumentation and defense of their point of view is fundamental so that their position in relation to the subject is justified.

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Many candidates end up making a recurring mistake: trying to defend a point of view they believe to be that of the evaluators. To prevent this from happening, the student must defend their idea with arguments coming from a wide repertoire, conquered through the reading of several texts on the same subject that also present different points of View. For example, if you are going to read something about reducing the age of criminal responsibility, read articles that address different perspectives on the topic and also different opinions for you to choose the one that is more coherent.

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of linguistic mechanisms

Demonstrating knowledge of linguistic mechanisms is the fourth competence assessed by ENEM examiners. But what is expected of the candidate? It is expected that the candidate knows, in addition to structuring ideas in a logical sequence, to use words that establish a connection between statements, essential elements for the development of arguments. Knowing the elements that guarantee good textual cohesion is essential, as they provide a link between the ideas and paragraphs of the text. Among these elements are the prepositions, conjunctions, adverbs and adverbial phrases, as they enable a correlation between sentences, sentences and paragraphs.

Certainly this is among the most difficult skills, but there is no need to despair. To prepare and thus demonstrate this skill in practice, you must study, train a lot, reading and understanding longer texts that employ different coherence strategies and cohesion. No laziness, right?

  1. Elaborate intervention proposal for the addressed problem

Preparing an intervention proposal for the problem addressed is the last competence required by the reference matrix of the Enem essay test. Many candidates are unaware of this competence and end up leaving aside the intervention proposal, one of the characteristics of the dissertation-argumentative dissertation of the Exam. The proposal must come at the end of the text, and in it the candidate must present viable solutions to the proposed problem, that is, solutions that can be applied in the short and medium term. The proposal must be related to the theme and articulated with the discussion developed during the development of the text.

At this stage, you should provide details about the topic and suggest ideas that respect human rights, that is, ideas that do not contradict values ​​such as citizenship, freedom, solidarity and diversity cultural. The proposal must go beyond mere advice: it must be functional, and for that the candidate must bring the problem closer to its reality, thus imagining what could be done to remedy it.

Find out now an example of writing a 1,000 mark from the 2014 National High School Exam edition, whose theme was “Children's advertising in question in Brazil”:

Written by Mariana Pereira Pimenta, 17, from Maricá, Rio de Janeiro.

Advertising has been valued with constant globalization, where marketing takes ownership of reaching different population groups. The issue of children's advertising has gained prominence on the world stage, with its great demands directed at children being criticized, persuading them in favor of consumerism.

With the country's growing middle class, where thousands of Brazilians benefit from government credits, consumerism has come affecting this entire population portion, leaving in the past the lack of household appliances and the social participation favored by elites. With the participation of the main media, it aggravates the abuse of children's imagination at the same time that it favors the distinction between the beneficial and the harmful to the individual standard of living.

It is appropriate that the cancellation of children's advertising calls into question democratic ideals, confronting both families and the advertising market, discriminating against such age group at the same time harming the consumer market, a factor that can lead to an internal crisis and give up the commercial development of a country underdeveloped.

Therefore, the search for commercialization often encompasses its favoring through children's imagination with the ideals followed by their idols. However, it is the parents' responsibility to raise awareness of the good and/or bad, together with child education in the abdication of consumerism to at the same time that the government is studying preventive measures that seek to control advertising exploitation without disturbing the country's economic situation.

Luana Alves
Graduated in Letters

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