Foreign invasions in Brazil

In 1500, the Portuguese arrived in Brazil. Soon, other countries became interested in the new lands. This caused invasions and attacks to be programmed by other European peoples, such as french, Dutchmen and English.

These attacks took place mainly during the 16th and 17th centuries, in the Colonial Brazil. all had the same objective, which was the exploitation of natural resources and the appropriation of certain regions in the newly discovered territory.

Check now which were the foreign invasions in Colonial Brazil.


  • French invasions
  • Dutch invasions
  • English invasions

French invasions

The French invasions began in the year 1555, commanded by French Admiral Nicolas Villegaignon. During this period, the Antarctic France, at the Rio de Janeiro. But, the invaders were expelled from the region by the Portuguese and indigenous peoples in 1567.

After that, in 1962, the French tried to invade Brazilian lands once again. The commander was French navy captain Daniel de La Touche. They founded, then, the city of São Luís (Maranhão) and parallel to that, the França Equinocial. After three years, they were expelled.

There was a third invasion attempt, between the years 1710 and 1711. However, without success.

Dutch invasions

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In 1599, the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Salvador and Santos were attacked by the Dutch. In 1603, Bahia was also invaded. But, with the help of the Spaniards, the Portuguese managed to expel the Dutch in 1625.

In 1630, the biggest foreign invasion in Brazil. This began when the Dutch invaded the Pernambuco coastal region. Between 1630 and 1641, they managed to occupy other coastal areas, such as Maranhão, Paraíba, Sergipe and Rio Grande do Norte.

Dutch invasion of Pernambuco
Nicolaes Visscher's map shows the siege of Olinda and Recife (PE) in 1630.

In order to manage the areas that had been invaded until then, the Dutch Mauritius of Nassau, arrived in Pernambuco in 1637.

After all these Dutch invasions, in 1644, actions were taken by the Portuguese to expel the invaders from Brazilian Northeast. Then, in 1645, the Pernambuco Insurrection began.

Although the Dutch troops were defeated in 1648, with the well-known Battle of Guararapes, the definitive expulsion was only in 1654.

English invasions

Under the command of the English privateer Thomas Cavendish, the English invaded and occupied the cities of São Vicente and Santos. This was in the year 1951 and they stayed for less than three months.

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