Works by great writers used to teach children how to read and write

The use of short texts in literacy is very common among teachers in the early years of elementary school. This type of material is interesting for being easy to handle due to the simplification of its structure.

However, it is important to know how to select the texts used, paying attention to the richness of the language and the information they bring. The best examples of what can be fearlessly applied in the classroom are the speeches.

Written by well-known children's literature writers, the parlendas are already part of the games played by children, in addition to stimulating the children's memory. Its use favors the expansion of the textual repertoire used in literacy.

Its advantages are in the elaboration of texts, always with greater complexity, building new learning models. Contact with more structured works brings future references in the child's writing.

That's what we call modeling. It is about assembling the student's textual repertoire with texts that are based on their own productions. Fortunately, professors do not have to go far in their search for reference authors in this field.

Brazil is the birthplace of great writers, many of them specialists in children's literature. They are short stories, poems and poems that children, in fact, already know through orality, but they can start using them as a standard in their own constructions.

The champions of use in the classroom are Vinícius de Moraes, Cecília Meireles, Otávio Roth, Manuel Bandeira, just to name a few. His works can be presented either in written form or in other media.

This means that the teacher can bring these writers with videos, photographs, audios, games and other materials that facilitate the children's identification and memorization. From there, the educator works on concepts such as rhymes, repetitions, vocabulary, among others.


  • The importance of literacy
  • How to make the little ones literate with works by great writers?
  • For a start, how about selecting some of the texts we've brought you?

The importance of literacy

Have you ever heard of literacy? The concept has been adopted by schools to refer to teaching practices whose objective is to “literate through literacy”. The process takes into account the reflection and construction of all aspects of writing in learning. This is where writing comes in, as long as it is worked in an informal and creative way.

The more effective the literacy work in schools, the better the student relates to formal writing. Literacy is based on the premise that constructing written language originates the very act of writing. Therefore, it is important to start activities from Kindergarten, keeping in mind that the initial objective is to read and later teach literacy.

How to make the little ones literate with works by great writers?

Literacy through works is very effective, however, it needs to be well worked. It is not enough to just arrive with the texts and start reading. There is a whole process that enhances the effects of this type of activity.

Get ready

Upstairs, we have already mentioned that not every short text or literary work is a reference for literacy. Therefore, the educator must select quality material, which is not lacking among our writers.

Taking a good look at the internet, the professor can find excellent texts by Cecília Meireles, Manoel de Barros, Cora Coralina, José Paulo Paes, Vinícius de Moraes and Patativa do Assaré.

submit the proposal

When selecting the texts, it is time to present the proposal to the students. One idea is to set up a project, that is, in addition to working on reading and producing texts, make it bear fruit. It can be a sample or a presentation for the whole school. This makes the little ones get excited and put more dedication.

Make a presentation by the authors

In addition to reading the works, introduce the authors, the works they wrote and the socio-cultural context in which they were inserted. It is an excellent way for students to learn more about the culture of our country, as well as promoting interesting discoveries.

do reading wheels

Promote reading circles so that children have contact with all the works. At this point, start introducing important concepts for writing, such as language, rhymes, repetitions and vocabulary.

time to write

The teacher can start writing either collectively or individually. Thus, students can exchange ideas, build collective texts and then move on to producing their own works.

work a good presentation

So much production cannot be hidden! Gather the works written by the students and present them in the form of a book, soiree or mural.

At the end, evaluate how the activity went, noting the positive and negative points, noting what can be repeated, worked better or improved.

Examples of works by great writers

For a start, how about selecting some of the texts we've brought you?

The dancer – Cecília Meireles

This girl
so small
she wants to be a dancer.
Does not know neither do nor re
but she knows how to stand on tiptoe.

She doesn't know me nor does
But she tilts her body this way and that

He doesn't know him or herself,
but she closes her eyes and smiles.

Wheel, wheel, wheel, with the little arms in the air
and she doesn't get dizzy or move.

She puts on her hair a star and a veil
and says she fell from heaven.

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This girl
so small
she wants to be a dancer.

But then forget about all the dances,
and also wants to sleep like other children.

Chico Bolacha's farm – Cecília Meireles

At Chico Bolacha's farm,
what is looking for
you never think!

When it rains a lot,
Chico plays on the boat,
because the farm turns into a pond.

When it doesn't rain at all,
Chico works with the hoe
and soon gets hurt
and has a swollen hand.

That's why, with Chico Bolacha
what is looking for
you never think!

They say that Chico's farm
there's only chayote
and a lame dog
called Caxambu.

Other things nobody looks for,
why don't you think,
poor Chico Bolacha!

The House – Vinícius de Moraes

it was a house
Very funny
had no roof
there was nothing
no one could
not enter it
because in the house
There was no floor
no one could
Sleep on the Net
because the house
had no wall
no one could
because potty
there was no
But it was done
with great care
in Rua dos Bobos
Number zero.

The Butterflies – Vinícius de Moraes

and black
In the light
the beautiful

white butterflies
They are cheerful and frank.

blue butterflies
They are very fond of light.

the hopscotch
They are so cute!

And the black ones, so…
Oh, what darkness!

Point of View – Pedro Bandeira

I'm small, they tell me,
and I get very angry.
I have to look at everyone
with the chin up.

But if ant spoke
and see me from the ground,
I was going to say, for sure:
— Good God, how big!

A Lua went to the Cinema – Paulo Leminski

The moon went to the movies,
a funny movie was on,
the story of a star
who didn't have a boyfriend.

There wasn't because it was just
a very small star,
of those that, when erased,
no one will say, what a pity!

It was a star alone,
no one looked at her,
and all the light she had
it fit in a window.

the moon was so sad
with that love story,
that even today the moon insists:
– Dawn, please!

The Centipede – Marina Colasanti

who was that first
had the idea
to count one by one
the centipede's feet?

if a paw you pull
does the fag lame?

And answer before I forget
if there is a hundred foot bug

is there any one with a hundred heads?

Invitation – José Paulo Paes

is playing with words
how to play
with ball, kite, top.

only that
ball, kite, top
from playing so much
wear out.

The words no:
the more you play
with them
younger ones are.

like river water
which is always new water.

like every day
which is always a new day.

Let's play poetry?

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