Exercises on Colonial Brazil

O Colonial Brazil it is the first phase in the history of Brazil. Started with the first expedition commanded by Martim Afonso de Souza, the country began to develop in the northeast coast.

This period lasted from 1500 to 1815, the year in which the country became the Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves.

Colonial Brazil was marked by an intense exploration of the country's natural assets, as well as conflicts with different ethnic groups indigenous and Europeans.

That said, the Escola Educação team selected some exercises on Colonial Brazil for you to answer. Come on?

Exercises on Colonial Brazil

1 — In 1532, the first population center in Brazil was founded. What was his name and in what part of the country was he located?

a) Vila de São Vicente, coast of the current state of Bahia.
b) Vila de São Vicente, coast of the current state of São Paulo.
c) Vila de São Cristóvão, coast of the current state of São Paulo.
d) Vila de São Cristóvão, coast of the current state of Bahia.

2 — What was the first economic activity developed during Brazil Colony?

a) The first economic activity was the exploration of sugarcane, which existed in large quantities in the interior of the country, mainly in the North Region.
b) The first economic activity was the exploration of rubber, which existed in large quantities on the coast of the country, mainly in the Southeast region.
c) The first economic activity was the exploration of precious metals, which existed in large quantities in the interior of the country, mainly in the Center-West Region.
d) The first economic activity was the exploration of pau-brasil, which existed in large quantities on the coast of the country, mainly in the Northeast region.

3 — During Brazil Colony, the country's natural resources were severely exploited. What was the workforce responsible for carrying out this activity?

a) Africans.
b) Europeans.
c) Indigenous people.
d) Portuguese.

4 — Aiming to colonize the country and guarantee the domain of the land, in 1534, the Portuguese Crown divided the territory of the then colony into 15 _______________, which were extensive plots of land covering the coastline up to the limit determined by the Treaty of Tordesillas.

a) hereditary captaincies
b) colonial captaincies
c) Crown captaincies
d) elective captaincies

5 — Which was the region of the Brazilian colony that stood out in the political, economic and social area during the 16th and 17th centuries?

a) South.
b) Southeast.
c) Northeast.
d) Midwest.

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6 — In 1548 the General Government was created. What was your goal?

a) Organize the colonial administration.
b) Organize the indigenous workforce.
c) Control the social hierarchy of the colony.
d) Control the workers who migrated to the colony.

7 — During Brazil Colony, several Jesuits came to the country with the objective of pacifying and catechizing the indigenous people. What religious order did they come from?

a) Company of Christ.
b) Institute of the Love of Christ.
c) Group of Jesus.
d) Society of Jesus.

8 — What was the first great wealth produced on Brazilian soil?

a) Precious metals.
b) Sugarcane.
c) Brazil wood.
d) Rubber.

9 — (Cesgranrio) “The plantation owner is a title to which many aspire, because he brings with him being served, obeyed and respected by Many." Antonil's commentary, written in the 18th century, can be considered characteristic of Brazilian colonial society why:

a) the condition of landowners and of men guaranteed the preponderance of planters in colonial society.
b) the masters' authority was restricted to their slaves, not imposing itself on neighboring communities and other smaller owners.
c) the difficulties in adapting to colonial areas led Europeans to organize a society with minimal differentiation and strong solidarity among its segments.
d) the activities of the planters were not limited to agribusiness, as they controlled the export trade, the slave trade and the supply economy.
e) the political power of the planters was ensured by the metropolis through their appointment to the highest positions in the colonial administration.

10 — (Fuvest) “The foundation of a city was not a new problem for the Portuguese; they saw cities being born on the islands and in Africa, around forts or at the foot of factories; here in America, the same would happen and cities would emerge…” (João Ribeiro, História do Brasil.)

Based on the text, it is correct to state that cities and towns, during the Brazilian colonial period:

a) they were an adaptation of the Portuguese to the African model of villages next to forts to protect against enemy tribes' attacks.
b) emerged from indigenous missions, fairs in the hinterland, passing landings, crossing large rivers and close to coastal forts.
c) were located in border areas to facilitate the demarcation of territories also disputed by the Spaniards and the Dutch.
d) were original nuclei of sugar mills built near the great rivers to facilitate communications and the transport of sugar.


1 - B
2 — D
3 — C
4 - A
5 - C

6 — A
7 - D
8 - B
9 — A
10 - B

Click here and download the list of exercises about Colonial Brazil in PDF

Learn more at:

  • List of exercises on the First Reign
  • List of exercises on the Second Reign
  • List of exercises on Brazil's economic cycles

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