Mother's Day Lesson Plan

O Mothers Day is the day chosen to honor the maternal family figure, as well as motherhood.

In Brazil, Mother's Day takes place on the second Sunday of the month of May. It is important to note that Mother's Day varies by country.

Historians point out that during Antiquity there were celebrations that honored the maternal figure in the figures of the goddesses Rhea (mother of the gods) or Cybele (the Roman mother goddess).

There is no direct connection between the commemoration that took place in antiquity and that carried out in the modern world, however, being aware of the celebrations that took place in Greece and Ancient Rome It is important to keep in mind that paying homage to the mother figure is not exclusive to contemporaneity.

Mother's Day, as a specific date, is a modern American creation from the beginning of the 20th century. It was through the Americans that the date was popularized through the efforts of Anna Jarvis, a young American who lost her mother, activist Ann Maria Reeves Jarvis.

This date has become synonymous with affection, affection and love for mother figures who are not only focused on mothers. Grandparents, aunts, godmothers, friends and solo parents receive honors on that day.

With that, follows the Mother's Day lesson plan for elementary education produced by the Escola Educação team.

Lesson Plan - Mother's Day

THEME: Mothers Day

YEAR: Elementary School

DURATION: 2 lessons of 50 minutes each


  • Show the importance of the maternal figure;
  • Emphasize that the maternal figure can be played by grandparents, aunts, godmothers and parents;
  • Recognize the name of the mother figure;
  • Raise children's interest in Mother's Day;
  • Develop memory, attention and motor coordination;
  • Promote creativity.


  • school board
  • Chalk or painting brush
  • Video
  • white sheet
  • Colored pencils
  • To play the video: computer, TV or video projector


Class 1

The first class will focus on the name of the mother figure and its characteristics. Start by saying your mother's full name and write it on the board. After that, describe it physically. Say your hair color, height, skin color, profession, etc.

Try to describe it with all its characteristics. After this moment, tell what you like to do with her and what makes you happiest when you are together (as).

It is important that you show involvement in the didactic proposal, as this will influence the students' posture in the classroom.

After talking about your mother, elect a student to do the same. Call him to the board and ask him to write his mother's full name and do the same activity you started.

Ask him to tell you what she is like physically and what makes him most happy when they are together.

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The number of students to be invited to carry out the activity in front of the class will depend on its size.

After inviting students to do the activity on the board, ask the rest of the class to highlight a blank sheet and do the same task. Even those who have already gone ahead of the class.

At this point you will analyze the student's spelling, creativity and memory.

ATTENTION! Students who have no contact with their mother, for whatever reason, ask them to do the activity involving someone important in their lives. Could be male.

After everyone has completed the activity, ask them to read what they wrote. This way, you will notice which one is more difficult to read.

Class 2

The first moment of the second class will focus on a moment of reflection. Ask students if they can identify which way of acting the mother figure most displeases.

If none of you are able to start the dialogue, you start. Say what you do that maybe your mother doesn't like it and it makes you sad.

After this dialog, play the video Mother's Day - Reflection, available on YouTube.

Ask students what they understood from the video, which part they liked best. Lead the conversation, alerting them to the importance of enjoying time with the people we love. Say how much we need to pay attention to each dialogue and company.

After that, ask them to tear off a blank sheet and draw a picture apologizing to their mothers for some action they know they disliked.

After the drawing, ask them to make another one, committing to act in a loving, respectful and friendly way.

Only hang the drawings that go back to how they will act in the room, so that remember every time they look at the walls.

After this moment of reflection, propose a manual activity for them to give to the mother figures. Here is the model of some:

Handmade Gift Templates for Mother's Day

Mother's Day Lesson Plan
Mother's Day Lesson Plan
Mother's Day Lesson Plan
Mother's Day Lesson Plan
Mother's Day Lesson Plan

Good class!

See more at:

  • Class plan; My Family and Our History – Elementary School
  • Mother's Day Project for Kindergarten and Elementary Education
  • 15 phrases to celebrate Mother's Day
  • Mother's Day Message; Honor your mother on this date
  • 12 dynamics to celebrate and reflect on Mother's Day
  • Mother's Day Dynamics; For Fun in Schools and with the Family

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