Coffee with Milk Policy

What was the Coffee with Milk Policy? It was an expression used to refer to the political moment experienced by Brazil during the First Republic or old republic.

It was a phase characterized by an agreement signed between the oligarchies of the states of Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo and the federal government. With that, this power structure consisted of the alternation between the coffee growers (SP) and the ranchers (MG) in the presidency position of Brazil.

The intention was for power to remain in the hands of the country's elites and large landowners.

Coffee with Milk Policy - Summary

THE Proclamation of the Republic in 1889, it provoked a reorganization in the country's political structure. During the Empire, power was centralized in the hands of the emperor who performed the moderating power. The rest of the country was regionally commanded by the presidents of the provinces.

From the implementation of the republic, the then regime was inspired by the US model and the positivist model created by Augusto Comte. From then on, becamethe power decentralized.

The provinces were transformed into states of the Federation, with economic, military and political autonomy, guaranteed by the Constitution of 1891.

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However, the autonomy of the states meant that some had more privileges to the detriment of others. With this, the most economically powerful oligarchies remained in state powers and took turns in federal power.

The most benefited states were Minas Gerais and São Paulo. The economy of Minas Gerais was based on the supply of milk, whereas that of São Paulo was characterized by for the planting of coffee, which is why this political structure was called “coffee policy with milk".

In this way, representatives of these states took turns in the office of president of the republic most of the time during the First Republic.

The main function of the president during this period was to guarantee the maintenance of the privileges of the oligarchies and the elite in general.

The Coffee with Milk Policy was in force from 1898 until 1930.

Learn more at:

  • Republic of the Sword
  • Coronelismo - Summary, what it was, characteristics and decline
  • patronage

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